Need advice

so cool. Until this thread, I've never thought about it before, but I've never made anything round. At least, not that big. I will definitely tuck that away in the mental rolodex and look for an opportunity to build a hollow pillar of some kind.
You're a coffee drinker. Maybe make yourself a big barrel-ish mug. Same techniques, scaled down?
Not a bad idea. What I actually have in mind is a knock box for espresso. I’ve made a square box, which is more typical, but a round one could be really pretty.
What's a knock box?
What's a knock box?
When you make espresso, you end up with a puck of compacted grounds... the knock box is that thing that you physically knock that puck into. It's usually got some kind of rubber or padded bar on it that you can bang the puck into without messing up your gear.

You can make some really pretty ones, but you don't see too many round ones.
When you make espresso, you end up with a puck of compacted grounds... the knock box is that thing that you physically knock that puck into. It's usually got some kind of rubber or padded bar on it that you can bang the puck into without messing up your gear.

You can make some really pretty ones, but you don't see too many round ones.
So, a trash can to us non-coffee drinkers. A wood barrel-type would certainly look cool, especially if the rest of the decor is sort of rustic.
So, a trash can to us non-coffee drinkers. A wood barrel-type would certainly look cool, especially if the rest of the decor is sort of rustic.
I guess. Like a 5in cubed trash can, with a bar across the top instead of a lid... if that works for you. If you've ever been into a coffee shop where they make espresso, you've surely seen one. You just might not have known what it's called.
I guess. Like a 5in cubed trash can, with a bar across the top instead of a lid... if that works for you. If you've ever been into a coffee shop where they make espresso, you've surely seen one. You just might not have known what it's called.
I've been in a coffee shop, but since I don't drink the stuff I never paid any attention to the gizmos and gadgets.
The size answers my other question. I wondered if making it wood (as opposed to thin metal or plastic) would make it too heavy, especially when full. Obviously not, at that size.
I do still think wood looks better than metal or plastic, in most cases.
Saw this in a book I was reading today about Lau Kar Leung. He had this built for Challenge of the Masters.

Now that's what I'm talking about.
