...The Oriental way is, 'stay in the family', but after re-uniting, only one son trained hard, and he hadn't the years and knowledge of others. Another opportunist, a lo-fan no less [who wasn't a direct student, but claimed he was] said Ip told Him on his deathbed, that He was successor.. and that guy hooked up with Ip's other son. Then, people began copy-writing names.. WC, VT, WT, VC, etc. [THAT'S why those exist], for their business names. It became a poo-storm!
Then.. a longtime student living in Australia wrote an open letter to the others, stating that while living with Ip Man, during the last two years of his living in Hong Kong, He and only he, was taught the secrets of dim-mak within the 3rd form, and He and only he was the real successor. Well, all hell broke lose. He was disavowed, with almost everyone claiming he was just a part time student, just mainly hanging around and no one remembered. Especially hostile was the lo-fan.
I also have been involved with VT since that era. Some on here started even earlier. My advice is it's best to leave those old feuds in the past. BTW, I spent over a decade as a disciple of that "lo-fan" and could tell you some stories! But, truth be told, in spite of all that, he had an amazing mastery of VT. And he did learn the conceptual "icing" of the cake directly from GM Ip, even if, by the traditional standards he would not have been considered a "to-dai". Unfortunately, his public books and videos are very commercial and filled with a lot of garbage as well some good stuff.
The other Chinese gentleman, then living in Austrailia, also fabricated a lot of wild stories and "new movements" to make his system seem special, but honestly, he has produced some good, respected students and grand-students, some of whom contribute regularly to this forum.
Then there was the young German/Turkish thug that beat up that guy. I know him too. He eventually became more than just a tough fighter. He developed into a really adept master of his own very practical branch of Ip Man lineage "WT". I last saw him years back at a seminar with my Escrima instructor. Over dinner after the seminar, he told me he regrets being involved in that whole feud, as well as a later feud with the Gracies and now just focuses on teaching. He also has produced some very good, tough students.
On the other hand, you can find some students of the most universally respected senior disciples of Ip Man who never got it right. Ultimately, it's what you do that matters most, not the fame of your sifu, and certainly not these tired old arguments. Let's leave it at that, shall we?