need advice on where to post


White Belt
Hello everyone.
I am new to martial arts/self-defense. I went on the internet looking for some self-defense help, and found a large website which I read thoroughly. I learned a number of useful things from the standpoint of mental behaviors. There was nothing to help me physically defend myself, not even a few moves to break a hold, or things that might help me break away and run. In the end I became confused and frightened by the site. So I have some questions about what the site said, and would like input from folks who know more than I. I also need input as to what self-defense training would work for me given some of my needs and situation.
I don't know where to post these questions. I am an older lady, and will probably post in the woman's section at some point, but right now I want the benefit of as much input as I can get from all.
The general self-defense forum seems to be just for folks in the protection careers, and I am wanting self-defense, not a specific martial arts, and so on. Thanks for any help.
Womans section, General Self Defense, and General Martial Arts would be my suggestions.
Thank you, Bob Hubbard, for this information. In 'general self-defense' I only saw sub-forums for people in the protection biz, such as police. Am I missing something? I did go ahead and post some of my concerns in 'general martial arts'.
There is a large "general self defense" forum for general questions, then there are the sub-forums under the larger forum for police, security, etc.

Welcome aboard!
Many people will just hit the "New Posts" button on forums, and will see what youve posted and answer if they can help, regardless of its location. Big site like this you will probably get noticed and a few hits no matter where you post, depending on who can help you etc

Welcome to Martial Talk btw!


I encourage you to check out the women's BJJ blog community. There are a few of us that are in the 40+ range.

Also, just my 2 cents, but the mental aspects of self defense can be just as important as the physical ones. If you approach MA thinking, "I am a small vulnerable woman," you will always be vulnerable, regardless of any physical-based techniques. KNOW and OWN the fact that your size is just one element of your ability, not a hinderance...;> You have more strength than you realize.

Check out Meditations on Violence by Rory Miller. He is a wonderful writer and talks about this subject.
