Nearly 60% Won't Graduate At South Side School

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Nearly 60% Won't Graduate At South Side School

44 Of 77 Students At Bradwell Elementary Did Not Pass Eighth Grade

Jim Williams

CHICAGO A startling number of children are falling through the cracks at one Chicago Public School. More than half of the kids didn't even pass the eighth grade. As CBS 2's Jim Williams reports there is fierce debate about who's to blame.
It is a debate that has gone on for years in poor communities: do you blame the schools for the students' poor performance or do you blame their parents?
The mother of a one student who failed eighth grade says she got no warning her son was struggling. The school says she was notified, and other parents insist she did not do enough.
Tatianna Dennis' son, Tarrell, took his eighth grade photo complete with cap and gown, but the day before his grammar school's graduation, Tarrell learned he would not be marching down the aisle.
"I asked him why but he was so heartbroken, he couldn't really talk," said Tatianna Dennis.
Dennis says she had no idea her son was about to fail English; no written notices from Bradwell Elementary, she says, and no warning from his teacher
This is clearly the fault of the Mayor of Chicago, damn his republican heart...
Oh, wait
It's the governor of Illinois, no, the last one, crap.
Uh, the US Senators? Wait, no...
Detroit public schools have a 25% high school graduation rate.

Michigan's state government is also planning to discontinue the "Michigan Promise," which provided scholarships for Michigan college students who graduated high school and got good grades in HS and college - including no money for thousands who had already been 'promised' the money from Michigan Promise. Ironic name, that.

We're freaking doomed.

This is what you want, this is what you get. PiL was right.