My Weight Training Routine


Yellow Belt
Hi all :-)

Well i've been going to the gym for three months now (i think!)

Over that time i've kept modifying the workout. But now, i think i've finally found one that i like.

Please take a look and tell me what you think - too much / too little? I'll be starting this workout routine this week (starting Monday).

Sets: 2 - 4
Reps: 6 - 12
Weight: Have been moderate for first three months but i now plan on using heavier weights

Cheers, Dan :-)
hmm that's weird. It worked for me! I'll have a look at it ...

Nope, I'm still just getting an active x emblem on the screen and no link.

Why not just try to post your schedule itself here

- Treadmill
- Bike

Abs & Core:
- Crunches
- Side Crunches
- Side Bends

- Pec Deck
- Flat Bench Press
- Incline Bench Press
- Decline Bench Press

- Press-Down
- Dips



- Treadmill
- Bike

Abs & Core:
- Crunches
- Side Crunches
- Side Bends

- Arches (for lower back)
- Lat Pull-Down

- Barbell Curl
- Preacher Curl



- Treadmill
- Bike

Abs & Core:
- Crunches
- Side Crunches
- Side Bends

- Shoulder Press
- Side Raises
- Front Raises

- Standing Calf Raises
- Press
- Extension
- Curl
- Hip Adduction (proper name?)
- Hip Abduction (proper name?)
(last two exercises do the inner thigh & outer thigh)
Looks OK to me but what are your goals with training?

I only ask because your schedule resembles an advanced body building type workout.
I have two main goals:
1, Improve Stamina
2, Improve Strength

I'd also like to get a bit bigger (more 'toned').
Hi! I would suggest that you go to the forums on There you can get some very good advice on a workout schedule. Just keep in mind to stretch and flex your joints so that you can maintain joint mobility and flexibility, as a martial artist you will need to retain that.

Here is a summary of my workout schedule. I am also on a very strict eating schedule too. I have been using this plan for about 3 weeks now. It is working quite nicely. I am loosing fat and gaining muscle, strength, and stamina.

Monday: Chest/Shoulders/Tricep/Cardio
Tuesday: Cardio ONLY
Wednesday: Legs/Abs/Cardio(optional)
Thursday: Cardio ONLY
Friday: Back/Biceps/Cardio has an excercise page where you can click on the muscle or muscle group and it will show you the compound and isolation exercises for them. I have a very detailed workout plan/journal that I keep.

Good luck.
Here is my current workout (08/14/2005 - 09/03/2005):

My goal for this period is to enhance my explosiveness (i.e. power / rate of force) by doing functional movements and lifts, and to increase my muscular endurance. Lean muscle development and fat loss will be residual benefits.

Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday:

Perform this routine as a circuit for two to five sets. Take a one minute break between circuit sets.

The following equipment is needed: a jump rope; one 35 pound dumbbell; a pair of 10 pound dumbbells; and a stability ball.

Do the following reps: 100 skips of the rope to be done before each exercise; 10 reps per dumbbell exercise (on both sides of the body when applicable); and either 30 seconds or 12 reps per stability ball exercise (on both sided of the body when applicable). All lifts are one handed lifts unless otherwise indicated.

Turkish get-up -- squat style
One-handed, single leg RDL to clean and press
Sumo squat to upright row
Static squat w/ tricep extension
Hammer curl to push jerk
Bent over row
Lunge w/ cross-over (use two 10 pound dumbbells)
Overhead lateral raise (use two 10 pound dumbbells)
Bent over tricep kickback (use one 10 pound dumbbells)
Arms extended plank on stability ball
Side plank on stability ball
Oblique curl on stability ball
Back extension w/ two 10-pound dumbbells
Bridge on head w/ feet on stability ball
Cool down w/ various passive stretches

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