Considering changing my workout


Blue Belt
I'm thinking about changing my workout routine to a plyometric work out (mainly for legs). But my concern is a medical condition I've had for about a year now. Planters Faciitis (heel spurs). Currently I'm lifting weights on Mon., Weds., and Fri., and tues, thurs., and Fri., are the days I do patterns, technique, and hit the heavy bag. (I'm not as loyal as I sound) My concern is the jumping involved with a plyometric routine. I can't find anything on line concerning this type of exercise and Planters Faciitis. The jumping drills and kicks in class seriously iritate my feet, but usually not until the next morning/ day. I think I will talk to the instuctor about my condition also.

I know some of you have this condition too. Do you do jumpiing workouts? I don't like to jump but I will be testing in a couple mothes and there are jumping kicks involved with this test.

sorry if the spelling is wrong.
The best way to do jump kicks better is to do jump kicks. If they are causing you some pain or difficulty because of a condition, see if you can modify the technique and work a version of it.
Why dont you go and check with your doctor, if have a medical condition, it may be better for you to not do plyometrics for a while.
Why dont you go and check with your doctor, if have a medical condition, it may be better for you to not do plyometrics for a while.

Been to the doctor twice. I've took the anti-inflametories. The pain of the "heel spurs" have subsided a little. It still takes me some time in the mornings to get moving, but not as bad as 4,3 even 2 monthes ago. I've just descided to tough it out and push through it, atleast until my test in a month. Wearing shoes while jumping is helpful too.

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