My TKD School


Orange Belt
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Southern Illinois
I am still trying to gauge my school and its major focus.
At first, I thought it was they were concerned with tournaments because they kept mentioning tournaments and what not to do in them. However, recently my grandmaster has been showing us various pressure points and telling us the various reasons we do punches and blocks. For example:
1. He told us that many of our blocks are intended to break the arm at a 45 degree angle, sever arteries.
2. He told us that many of our strikes our intended as a "final solution".
3. He won't tell any of the young kids why we do these.
4. In order to advance we have to know several self-defense moves such as take downs, sweeps, and the like. (not sure if other schools do this or not).

However, I asked him what Kwon we originated from and he Mentioned U.S.N.T.F. but he says that we belong to the Alliance which is at but we are also kukkiwon certified.

He has been putting many people through hell lately telling them they will not advance unless they put in the effort and that they will not just get their belt. (I really like this part)

Now, there is a tournament in Cancun Mexico this spring and I would really like to go to it, especially since I may not get another vacation until after the Bar Exam. However, we have to buy our hotel package through the Alliance, which is about $250 more per person, which we are told is in order to pay for the convention center we will be using. Also, we will have to buy a USA jacket to wear as they want all of us to wear the same stuff.

I understand that it is a business and organizations have to make money in order to be able to operate.

I just wish I could have someone help me understand. I really like it and I am addicted, but I just want to know more.

I think most schools require some self defense moves along with forms and sparring to test.
Not knowing your instructor it is hard for me to say what he expects. I would really suggest that if you can get a chance you politely ask if you may have a private talk with him and ask those questions that are on your mind.
It's quite apparent that your instructor believes in what he teaches, but it should be up to you to decide on these trips.

I do believe it is in your best interest to know what self defense is for. Kids can learn more than most people think and it might be good to impress upon them when and where it can be used.

We usually go to tournaments that are Sanctioned by our Provincial (State) Association. It's optional, these lead up to National and Olympic events for those that hold a Kukkiwon Certificate, usually held the day after colored belt events. All other belts are able to go to the Saturday tournaments where there are colored belt rules, the Black Belts weigh in and register at these.

I hope that you are not being forced to buy things, though.

Good luck
Nope, we are not being forced to buy anything at all, except if we want to go to the tourney. Then we have to buy the rooms through them and buy the USA Jacket to wear.

As far as other things, we are not forced to buy anything from them, but they alwasy encourage us to get our stuff through them. We bought my son's sparring gear, enough to use in both olympic and point for about $140.

Not sure if this is a good deal or not. I am not opposed to them making a small profit off of ordering the stuff for me. It saves me the trouble, they exchange if anything doesn't fit, and we live in a small area where allowing them to make a profit allows them to stay open, pay the other instructors who teach sparring, chambara, kali, gumdo, and other stuff.
All I will add is this, if you are happy than it is a good school. If you are not then it may not be the school for you.
However, I asked him what Kwon we originated from and he Mentioned U.S.N.T.F. but he says that we belong to the Alliance which is at but we are also kukkiwon certified.

Has anyone gone to that site? There are misspellings on the front page and they way you register for rank seems questionable.
The school that mcleod goes to probably is good, but that association they are part of makes me wonder about their choice of who is promoting them.
Maybe I am being overly picky, but that site doesn't look good to those who are familiar with online ma orgs.
