Credit to my School for Recoginition of my Disable Daughter


Yellow Belt
I would like to give credit to my school, United Mixed Martial Arts (UMMA) in Southern California and the instructors for recognition of my mentally disabled daughter, Kathryn, 16 yrs old. In January, I signed up my two younger daughters, an older daughter, my wife and I for Tae Kwon Do. None of us had ever taken Martial Arts so this was our introduction to a new and positive lifestyle.

The reason we did not sign Kathryn up, is because mentally she is 2-5 yrs old and she had just had major spine surgery. She had severe scoliosis that was begining to crush her vital organs. Kathryn had to have rods and screws in her back to straighten it out as well as have her spine fused from the base of her neck to her lower back and was in a brace. No matter what, we always keep Kathryn involved in all our family actitvities and do or best to include her in anything else her sisters do and to her limitations.

My wife or I are always at our younger daughters TKD lessons and we always take Kathryn. While watching from the observation area, Kathryn was always mimiking her sisters actions as they were working on punches, kicks or what ever excercise they were doing. Now granted, it Kathryn did not do exactly like the lessons but still did her best. Around March, the owner and instructor of UMMA approached my wife and I and told us how he always noticed Kathryn trying to follow along with the lessons and could tell she wanted to be like her sisters. He told us to get Kathryn her own Gi so she could be part of the class. Kathryn was still in a brace but we got her a Gi and I could tell she was real happy. Towards the end of April Kathryn was allowed to wear her brace less often. It was around that time our instructor approached us again and told us that Kathryn could warmup with the class as well as do whatever lessons she could perform. The instructors have been excellent with her as well as very patient. Also all the kids in the class treat Kathryn with the utmost respect and help her out also. Now when the lessons get more into sparring and patterns, Kathryn does sit those out, because that is for now beyond her understanding and capabilities. We also do not want hinder those students that are advancing or need the time to focus on what they are doing. A plus to all this also, is there is no charge for kathryn to be involved.

This to me is why I must give the recognition to my school. At our school, when you are just starting you don't get your white belt, only the Gi. After about two weeks of regular attendance and learning some of the basic lessons, you are given your white belt. Well, Kathryn had her Gi but no belt and we didn't expect her to get one, we were just happy to Kathryn in her Gi and being part of the TKD expierence. About three weeks ago, just before class was ending, the instructor said they had a White Belt presentation. The person getting thier belt had shown a lot of dedication and improvement. Then he called Kathryn's name. We couldn't believe it! Everyone cheered for Kathryn and of course my wife and I got emotional, but I was really happy to see how my TKD School has gone out of there way to include Kathryn into TKD also. After Kathryn got her belt, all she did was stare at it in the mirror and she kept it on all night till she went to bed.

As for the rest of us, we have or first in house tournament, 6/28/08 with three other local schools. Its a sparring tournament and mainly to get us use to sparring with other people other than the same students in our class. I'm looking forward to it for a new challenge and to see how I do.

That is great and congrats to the instructors of the school for taking the time with her.
So often we get posts here asking "What's the best martial art for me?" and the responses are invariably that it isn't the art it's the instructor/art that best suits you and what you're looking for. It looks like you have found exactly what everyone else has been looking for when they first start. It's great that your daughter has become a part of the martial arts community and that you have found a group of instructors that truly embody the comcepts and traits that each of us should aspire to.
That is really fantastic! To find a school that is willing & able to reach out to your whole family in a way that's helpful. Excellent!
When a school makes little efforts like this, it means the whole world to students like your daughter and families like yours.
I would recommend you stay with that school.

I would like to give credit to my school, United Mixed Martial Arts (UMMA) in Southern California and the instructors for recognition of my mentally disabled daughter, Kathryn, 16 yrs old. In January, I signed up my two younger daughters, an older daughter, my wife and I for Tae Kwon Do. None of us had ever taken Martial Arts so this was our introduction to a new and positive lifestyle.

The reason we did not sign Kathryn up, is because mentally she is 2-5 yrs old and she had just had major spine surgery. She had severe scoliosis that was begining to crush her vital organs. Kathryn had to have rods and screws in her back to straighten it out as well as have her spine fused from the base of her neck to her lower back and was in a brace. No matter what, we always keep Kathryn involved in all our family actitvities and do or best to include her in anything else her sisters do and to her limitations.

My wife or I are always at our younger daughters TKD lessons and we always take Kathryn. While watching from the observation area, Kathryn was always mimiking her sisters actions as they were working on punches, kicks or what ever excercise they were doing. Now granted, it Kathryn did not do exactly like the lessons but still did her best. Around March, the owner and instructor of UMMA approached my wife and I and told us how he always noticed Kathryn trying to follow along with the lessons and could tell she wanted to be like her sisters. He told us to get Kathryn her own Gi so she could be part of the class. Kathryn was still in a brace but we got her a Gi and I could tell she was real happy. Towards the end of April Kathryn was allowed to wear her brace less often. It was around that time our instructor approached us again and told us that Kathryn could warmup with the class as well as do whatever lessons she could perform. The instructors have been excellent with her as well as very patient. Also all the kids in the class treat Kathryn with the utmost respect and help her out also. Now when the lessons get more into sparring and patterns, Kathryn does sit those out, because that is for now beyond her understanding and capabilities. We also do not want hinder those students that are advancing or need the time to focus on what they are doing. A plus to all this also, is there is no charge for kathryn to be involved.

This to me is why I must give the recognition to my school. At our school, when you are just starting you don't get your white belt, only the Gi. After about two weeks of regular attendance and learning some of the basic lessons, you are given your white belt. Well, Kathryn had her Gi but no belt and we didn't expect her to get one, we were just happy to Kathryn in her Gi and being part of the TKD expierence. About three weeks ago, just before class was ending, the instructor said they had a White Belt presentation. The person getting thier belt had shown a lot of dedication and improvement. Then he called Kathryn's name. We couldn't believe it! Everyone cheered for Kathryn and of course my wife and I got emotional, but I was really happy to see how my TKD School has gone out of there way to include Kathryn into TKD also. After Kathryn got her belt, all she did was stare at it in the mirror and she kept it on all night till she went to bed.

As for the rest of us, we have or first in house tournament, 6/28/08 with three other local schools. Its a sparring tournament and mainly to get us use to sparring with other people other than the same students in our class. I'm looking forward to it for a new challenge and to see how I do.

Thanks for sharing. This is good press for your family and your school and the arts.

I ask that you keep us posted, on her training. I would be interested in hearing if the physical movements helps her in other aspects of her life.


Rich just said this is good press. You may want to contact your local newspaper and tell them about this. It would give your daughter another boost and even help your school out if the paper prints it.

That's great to hear! I'm so glad that the instructor and class have reached out to your daughter in that way.
Very fantastic, and congrats to Kathryn! So often, people focus on what kids with challenges can't do. But her instructor saw and worked with her on the things that she can do. By bringing her into the class and recognizing her for her efforts, this instructor has given her the opportunity to do something that she thought would be fun and to see that she can do it. As time goes by, I'm sure that the class will see a whole lot more of what Kathryn can do as she progresses.

Best wishes!!

Sounds like you've got a great family, and I'm happy you found such a family oriented school! :D I'm glad Kathryn got her belt, and you were all there to share in her moment :D

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