My tihghs are swollen


Senior Master
Yeap, tuesday night was rough, I think sambunim's workout was too much and barely I can walk stand up from a chair is painful, using stairs is very dificult, yestarday I did some leg exercise to try to burn the lactic acid but even with this my legs hurt soo much, don't know if I would go training tonight.

Do you have a local fix to this? believe I'm in really pain.

If it's just sore from lactic acid, I've always found that stretching is very soothing. Hot baths too. Doesn't take the pain away 100%, but helps greatly. Also, keep guzzling water and stay hydrated. Since it hurts so bad, are you sure you didn't strain/pull anything? Best of luck
You can make a good-sized icepack from a gallon ziplock, fill with folded paper towels, water, lay flat in the freezer for an hour or two.
Alternate that with a heating blanket. End with cold, keeps swelling down.
Having rum and coke while doing so helps heh.
But you can use a generic as margueritas, jack/jim and coke....Old fashioned....etc....

Ibuprofene, hot cold, and maybe some gentle swimming...
I feel that way much of the time. What I do is work it off. Warm up slowly, stretch, and get a good sweat going. Keep moving until it hurts less. Then take a hot bath with epsom salts when you're done.
I know this feeling well, keep moving about during the day, have a long hot bath in the evenings and massage some deep heat cream into your legs just before you go off to sleep. Sometimes its not lactic acid it is that you have ripped your muscles, this takes a little longer to heal and it is important to listen to your body and know the difference.

If it is just stiffness caused by over working out the day before you can normally just stretch this out immediately before your next training session. If you have ripped your muscles then trying to train through it is unadvisable.
hot tub

rum and coke

works every time

Offcourse my friend!!! You are a wise guy!! A tall glass with ice cubes, 1 oz. of Mattusalem Cristal Rum, 3 drops of lime and coke must ese my pain, and maybe two rums and coke can make dance!! and three must make handsome, and maybe four...... well, lets try just one.

Offcourse my friend!!! You are a wise guy!! A tall glass with ice cubes, 1 oz. of Mattusalem Cristal Rum, 3 drops of lime and coke must ese my pain, and maybe two rums and coke can make dance!! and three must make handsome, and maybe four...... well, lets try just one.


three drops of coke?

Bottoms up! :drinkbeer:headbangin:
Today I feel better.Last night I wento to dojan for training even I was in a lot of pain, I sat on the floor legs straight and started with a masage to both tighths, sambunim gime a smile and asked what happened, so I recall him the tuesday night class work out, he smiled again, and ask me to give the class to a beginer so, well we did light stretching and this eases the pain a little and then we did basic kicks and at the end of the class my legs were better.

Today I'm still feeling some disconfort but can walk and I believe tommorrow I will be ok.
