I have to draw an ace from the sleeve


Senior Master
Yesterday we have a very nice self defense class, this time sambunim want us to be creative, so he ask us to defend ourselves against agresions wich consisted of a grab or hold followed by a blow to the face, we had to react quick to break the hold/grab and not been hit by the ofender.Sambunim asked us to be creative.

Roberto is a young guy who never gives up, he always fight back no matter size,rank or anything, this is good cause his self defense techs are tough most of the times, he was my partner and most of the times we get to the floor.

I subdue him but is not always easy I have to be safe and try to help him to understand the tech and not to be so rough, and try to use the minimal force to subdue him but there are some times it's dificult because the kid simply fights back and very well.

In one point we went to the floor and try to nail each other to the floor to aply a suduing tech, he was faster and almost got me so I had to use a presure point tech to put him away. Roberto said it was not fair, and I told him in the streets there are no rules and even bitting and eye poking if necesary must be done.He got the mesage and undesrtood it.

I got the atention of the sambunim's son, he aproached me asked me to teach him some techs and I told him to wait class is over. We worked on a few techs and he was very entusiatic and asked me about the presure poit tech I used, so I show him. We had a wonderful time.

When I was in the locker room sambunim's son asked again when I can teach some more self defense stuff and I told him tuesdays nights afther class.

I really don't know why presure points are not taught anymore on the dojangs, they are a must in MA.


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