My students have honoured me

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
I'm posting this here because I figure instructors of any martial art could relate to this story. This is just a really nice thing that happened to me yesterday and I wanted to share it with you all.

Yesterday (Sat. May 11th) was 8 of my students black belt test. After a black belt test we always go out to a chinese buffet and celebrate. So after the test I get ready and go to the buffet with my girlfriend (who was one of the people who received their black belt that day) and when I get there I am shocked and surprised to see a whole ton of my students and their families waiting for me! (they had a room sealed off by a drape and when I pulled the drape aside they all shouted surprise!) It was my birthday the day before and my girlfriend and my assistant instructor had organised the whole event months before! So there I stand with this big dumb grin on my face not knowing what to do or was amazing. I showed up thinking we were there to celebrate my students big day getting thier black belts but instead it turned out to be my big day to celebrate my birthday.

After leading me to my table they gave me a few gifts and then handed me this spiderman piggy bank. The piggy bank was labelled "part of the airfare to Thailand". I couldn't beleive it! They had heard that I was planning a trip to Thailand to train at a thai boxing camp but that I was realising I really couldn't afford it so was putting the plan on the back burner. I was so happy that they would even think of such a thing I was speachless. I shook the bank and felt a bunch of 1 dollar and 2 dollar coins move around and thought "wow there must be like a hundred dollars in here!" They told me to open it and I did only to be even more shocked when I pulled out a wad of cash that equaled almost $1000! I almost started to cry..... I couldn't believe they would be so generous towards me and make this trip happen for me. I thanked everyone profusely and went around shaking everyones hand but was still in shock I can barely remember what I said to each individual.

I'm flabbergasted. I can't remember ever being honoured like this by my students. I've never felt so appreciated and part of their families as I did last night. It was amazing and I'll always remember this.

I buy the ticket to Thailand tomorrow and will present it to my students Monday night. I can't wait.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Congrats! We (the students of my school) honored our master instructor, too. We didn't buy him a plane ticket, though. But we showered him with gifts at a school banquet.

For me, as a student, I feel if the instructor is understanding, respectful, caring, but strict at the same time, he deserves something like this. He cares about each and everyone of his students, which I'm sure you do, also.

Again, congrats. I want details from your trip :D And oh, have a great time :)
Congrats Damian

Sounds like you have a great bunch of students who really appreciate you.

and Happy Birthday..... sounds like you had a wonderful day. I have had similar events. All I can say is that it feels really good to have those students around you think so highly of you!!

Congratulations on your good instructing and fortune in attracting grateful students, and Happy Birthday!
A great tribute. Your students think verry highly of you and have shown it in a verry beautiful way.
Congrads. Your trip to Thailand will undoubtly benefit your students as well. Your manner of teaching must be reflected in your students caring. Keep it up. Happy Birthday
That's wonderful. Happy Belated and thank you for sharing the honor with us.
Thanks everybody, I bought my ticket today and my students were all very happy for me. This trip is going to be amazing, even more amazing because it's been made possible by my students.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Hey buddy,

Congratulations. As I said in a previous thread, keep us updated about your trip and have fun!

At my Black Belt test, we also honored our instructor. He was caught totally off guard when we presented him with a "thank you" plaque for his work and as a token of thanks. It was a wonderful moment, and, unfortunately, not enough for all the service that he has given us as his students.

Sounds like you have done wonderful things for your students, and they are insightful enough to recognize it. I am glad that you have such a relationship with them.

That kind of stuff brings a REAL big smile to my face. :D


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