My student made Blue belt tonight


Purple Belt
My student passed the last test needed for his Blue belt(shichi kyu) tonight. After almost two years and 6 tests:

1. Steps
2. Kata 2, 3 &4
3. Kata 8
4. Step and kick
5. Ukemi
6. Releases

He took his 6th test tonight, which is designed to give the student the basic skills to address most self defense situations, it consisted of:

1. A 30 min warm-up (steps, katas, ukemi and step & kick). This accomplished 2 things...getting him warmed up
and getting him a little tired before his test.

2. Then the actual test, which consisted of:

Two kohai students, my wife, my daughter and I giving him the test.

Part A
He went through all 16 basic attacks with at least 2 variations of each attack at a slow pace as to make sure form and targeting were correct.

Part B
He went through the same attacks as before at a good work out pace using only Karate, no throws or locks.(Aikido or Judo)

Part C
He went throught the same attacks at full test speed with everything he had learned up to that point, using Karate, Judo, Aikido and Ju-jitsu. I even threw him a curve and countered his release which forced him to change to alternate techniques until he finished me off.

All attacks were given with him not knowing what was coming with full intent on the attacks and no compliance without proper loosening up techniques first.

The test lasted non stop for 45 minutes, at which time I asked "Are you tired yet?" to which he could only reply with panting!! and nodding his head yes. The I said "good!, now let's see what you got" and attacked 16 more times.

I am very proud of him, he is a great student.... attentive, hardworking, respectful and most important humble and willing to help his kohai in the class.

Well done sempai Ed. :asian: Well deserved after all the hard work and dedication.


Congrats to both of you :asian:
Congratulations and good job!! He does know that the tests get easier from here, right! Lol :)
Just another 48 more tests to go for Shodan. :)


Is that 48 and then blindfolded thru the Gaunlet of Death? Or, is that counting the Gaunlet of Death?

If he is like you described, I'm sure he'll do just fine with whatever test ou throw at him!! Again, Congrats!!! And Congrats to you too, if he did that well, that IS a direct reflection on the instructor as well. So Good Job to you both, my friend!!
Is that 48 and then blindfolded thru the Gaunlet of Death? Or, is that counting the Gaunlet of Death?

:rofl: 48 Excluding the blindfolded through the gauntlet of death test of course.


He has to do that with both hands and one foot tied behind his a leap year...on the 29th 0f Feb....under a full moon....with Mars, venus and Jupiter in alignment.

Our tests are just to easy...I may make them harder.

If he is like you described, I'm sure he'll do just fine with whatever test you throw at him!!

He is and he will. I have great confidence in him.

Again, Congrats!!! And Congrats to you too, if he did that well, that IS a direct reflection on the instructor as well. So Good Job to you both, my friend!!

:asian: Thank you


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