My sons first "Sports Jiu Jitsu" tournament


Green Belt
Here's a link to my sons first "sports Jiu Jitsu" tournament. It was an exhibition event at his Tae Kwon Do tournament where they teach Jiu Jitsu once a week. He also wrestles once a week. He turned 7 three days before this tourney.

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Congratulations! Feels great doesn't it?

My boy, 7, just started Judo a few months back. I'm love'n it!

Peace favor your sword,
It does feel pretty cool. I was just surprised that he remembered the techniques although I shouldn't be because he plays around with the grappling dummies I made him. To him, it's a game that he loves to play. The problem is that he's losing interest in Tae Kwon Do but still loves sparring. At least he will have good stand-up skills should he need them some day.

"My boy, 7, just started Judo a few months back."

How does your son like Judo so far?
congrats to the young man

the first one is always the hardest
remembering all he needed to deserves praise

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