Sports Jiu Jitsu??? (TKD + JJ)


Green Belt
What's the deal with Sports Jiu Jitsu? My son studies Tae Kwon Do and his school has been having an exhibition event during his tournys called Sports Jiu Jitsu. It involves typical TKD sparring except when they clinch, strikes are no longer allowed as they grapple and do traditional JJ moves. Is this new or simply a combination of JJ and TKD? I researched it on YouTube and it seems like there's even a big tournament in Europe. Any thoughts?
Sounds like a MMA for Kids program almost... got any more info?

I think it's jumping on the bandwagon of MMA but without the proper training. Yep it's a money making thing, not just for the kids though.
It has been around at least 11 years, I saw it in '97 in a tournament in Seattle, and have since seen it in California and Utah. Think of it as MMA lite, a combination of (supposedly) light contact continuous point karate mixed with submission wrestling.

The ruleset that is being used is probably this one:

I think it's jumping on the bandwagon of MMA but without the proper training. Yep it's a money making thing, not just for the kids though.

It seems to me that a lack of proper training falls to the coach of the competitors not the tournament promotor.
I think it's jumping on the bandwagon of MMA but without the proper training. Yep it's a money making thing, not just for the kids though.

Its been around a while, I think it started under the term "Grapple & Strike" (at least in the UK) and was around (AFAIA) before MMA got big! I think it was developed to allow JJ guys to have a competition format that involved more of their art (hence strikes) and didnt look to much liek a judo comp. That however was years ago, I dont know how its evolved since.

Check this out...

My sons competes in his TKD Sports Jiu Jitsu as part of their TKD tournaments as an exhibition event. His first dedicated "Sports Jiu Jitsu" tournament held by his TKD school is next month. He usually dominates because in addition to TKD, he studies BJJ. The other poor kids get submitted by this 50lb. kid before they know what hit them. In the videos below, he is against more experience, older, and larger TKD kids...

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How do you safely grapple in a headguard?

I'm not sure about adults but the kids never really get into any trouble because of their size and strength or lack thereof. From what I've seen, adults dont wear headgear since they wear gloves anyway. The other day during practice, my threw off his headgear as soon as they hit the ground. At first, I laughed because at that exact time, I was thinking to myself..."that looks like a PITA" then I thought...Can he do that? Of course, it was just practice so the instructor just told them to stop and put it back on. He's not used to wearing headgear when rolling. Good question though.

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