My punch is fast?

Well my nose got broke tonight during training. Kinda ironic don't you think? Lol . I guess I shouldn't of bobbed when I should of weaved

Such innocence of youth ... sigh ...

Being that new to WC, my advise to you is not to fixate on how good you can get of any one technique. Put you time and efforts into learning correctly and to attaining an good foundation instead ... just as you had to learn to crawl before you learn to pull yourself up, and then learn to walk.

And no ... your not as fast as you think, hope I didn't burst your bubble.

Welcome the the forum my friend.

respectable, but don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Don't get satisfied with yourself, keep going....and SLOW DOWN. and work on smoothness and relaxation or you will never be truly fast

It's quality, not quantity. Accuracy and power in my opinion is more important than speed. But a well balance of all three is very hard for someone to deal with.


Yeah, your not as fast as you think you are. HOWEVER, for the amount of experience you claim to have, its around Average, so its fine.
I will say, although im pretty sure itll have already been said...
Improve the Stance/Posture.
Control your Breathing a Touch Better.
Post another Video in a couple of weeks time talking about how you cant believe you were fast at all back here, and that you cant imagine making all the mistakes you were, and then have a massive revelation about the core mechanics of Training and improvement over time.

Ah Grasshopper, you have truly fast punches. So fast in fact that now they start to look sloppy and not very accurate. Punching fast in the air is one thing (eee’ zee) but hitting something that doesn’t give like say, a focus glove, or heavy bag, or a man, is totally different. Punching is not just about speed, but precision, accuracy, and timing. You may have the fastest, strongest (relaxed), and most precise punch in the world, but it does you no good if you can hit your target when it is there to be hit (read timing). There is always going to be someone better, faster, stronger, younger, and more skilled than you. But on any given day, are they all those things when they have to deal with you. Make them prove it. And take heed of what the others have said here on the forum and don’t get into a pissing contest with your Sifu. He’s your Sifu for a reason.
Speed is a nice attribute to have, but it is less important than other things when it comes to fighting. It is much more important to be in a superior position with greater structurial integrity. If you are being forced into a recovery mode while your opponent is hitting you with shots that are doing damage and keeping you in recovery mode, your speed won't mean a lot. It is much better to focus on the concepts in Wing Chun that will keep you from getting into such a bad position, and give you the skill to put others there. Again, speed is a helpful attribute, but do not think that it is what makes a good fighter.
The videos aren't available, everythings been siad, be modest :) My sifu does something from nothing .... if that makes sense.
You have only put one foot in front of the other in your journey, look back on this post in a years time and you will laugh.
Videos were taken down before I had a chance to look at em. Speed is only as good as the integrity and power of the punch. What I do, in the air, I punch as fast as I can while maintaining technique with a weighted glove. Four sets of say a 100 punches. now the same with out the weighted glove. now since speed without power is worthless, I go on a heavy bag and punch as fast as I can with power and technique. If I'm going so fast I'm pulling my punches and losing power, I slow down. These punches are the most realistic.
IF you're still training when you're old enough to vote - get back to us and let us know.
these are the punch of a master ... does not appear to be as more fast as mine.

Tell me if I'm wrong, guys -- but doesn't it look as if this fellow has his weight back on his heels, and he's tensing his head, neck and upper torso?
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Tell me if I'm wrong, guys -- but doesn't it look as if this fellow has his weight back on his heels, and he's tensing his head, neck and upper torso?

He has good hand speed , but the punching is a bit too circular , that way he can cheat and get more punches in per second rather than driving them out to full extension in a linear fashion from the elbow.
Looks fast to the uninitiated but there is no elbow force behind the strikes.

As you said , he is leaning back , again won't be able to generate any power.

Needs to sink down more and keep his pelvis tilted and hips forward , his upper and lower body are not locked together and unified , that's why his hips are all over the place , this is another common error that will hinder the generation of force.

He is pretty tense in the upper body , probably because he is really forcing the movement to show the world how super fast he is.
I'd be more impressed if he did them a tad slower but completely relaxed.
This might nolt be the most helpful post on this thread but ... its wing chun punches ... not punchs ^^
And once again, the Law of Internet Irony is proven true; in any post nitpicking grammar or spelling, there is at least one spelling or grammatical error.

In your case, there were several. :D
I can misspell eleven words per second. Is my misspelling fast?
You betcha'!

Gotta' love kids.
I can misspell eleven words per second. Is my misspelling fast?
You betcha'!

Gotta' love kids.

We should cut Haris some slack ... after having gone through the 36 chambers on this forum :uhyeah:, he is still here with us. Not So with the "Legendary Fighter".

You are right about kids, if they can find affirmation here, they'll just go some place else ... and get the same rude awakening.
Yes aai mispeld agen ... luk huw bod me grammer is...Hate Me Moar! Its not good to keep it bottled up like that ... take it out on my grammar haha. I can't imagine why i typed like

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