My Pledge...I will not Post at Work

Take that frustration and channel it into training. You can write Tgace on one side of your heavy bag and Sapper on the other.

Tgace said:
Take that frustration and channel it into training. You can write Tgace on one side of your heavy bag and Sapper on the other.

Oh yipee, I get to scribble some more on the picture of President Bush that is wrapped around my heavy bag!!!!


If we could avoid religion, politics and everything else except hunting and martial arts we'd get along fine. ;)
Tgace said:

If we could avoid religion, politics and everything else except hunting and martial arts we'd get along fine. ;)
Well, if you're ever in Wisconsin and feel the need to take down a bambi and fight over the kill, I'm ready...

Now that you reminded me, I have to get my hunting license monday before all the doe permits are gone.

As to the kill, thats easy. You take the left half and Ill take the right. ;)
Tgace said:

If we could avoid religion, politics and everything else except hunting and martial arts we'd get along fine. ;)

"People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity." John Adams

Boy, I fell off the wagon in a big way. I think I may need a 12 step program to help me deal with my MT addiction.

Rule Number One

Accept the things I cannot change...even if they still refuse to agree with me.
I seldom get the oppertunity to play on the Net at work anyway, so I aint cutting back **** Edited to conform to MT's Profanity Rules
Some of my co-workers, dohno about them, I think they spend WAY too much time on the puter playing, but I do what I feel to be the right thing, and theres an evaluation every year to answer to too! Doah! So, as long as my fat **** aint in the lime light of trouble, Im very happy! :-)

I do it all the time. My boss was quite angry with me about it..threatened to fire me, throw me out on the streets, and worse.

But I calmed down, forgave myself and went back to posting. :)

Working for yourself is great...except when you realize you're always at work, and clients call you from 7am-3am >_<;;;

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