My first martial arts school-what was the style?

I was a student at First Defense Martial Arts under Patrick Young.

For the longest time I thought I was learning Karate, but after doing some research I learned that it wasn't. The master himself used words like Chah-ryut and Joon-Bee when we lined up before starting class and after. Korean

I got my brown belt at that school before it closed down. If it hadn't closed down, my next rank would be brown belt-black stripe, then double black stripe and finally my first black belt.

So, is this style Taekwondo?
There are many Korean styles besides TKD. Have you tried looking for your instructor online? Where was the school located? I found a "Patrick Young" who is a martial arts instructor in Canada on LinkedIn, but don't know if that's your former instructor.
I was a student at First Defense Martial Arts under Patrick Young.

For the longest time I thought I was learning Karate, but after doing some research I learned that it wasn't. The master himself used words like Chah-ryut and Joon-Bee when we lined up before starting class and after. Korean

I got my brown belt at that school before it closed down. If it hadn't closed down, my next rank would be brown belt-black stripe, then double black stripe and finally my first black belt.

So, is this style Taekwondo?
ha ha, really and you never thought to inquire what it was you were doing for the longest time
Honestly, without knowing the guy, it's impossible to say. Lots of instructors will call what they teach "karate", because karate has become somewhat synonymous in the West with "Asian martial arts stuff". It's sort of a catch-all term.

Belt colors between white belt and black belt are often somewhat arbitrary, and you'll see different color progressions even within the same style. So there's not much info that can be gleaned there.

If your instructor used Korean terminology, he presumably trained for a while in a Korean style, but that's really all we can say. It may or may not have been Taekwondo, and it's entirely possible he studied multiple things and mixed them together and labelled it all "karate class".
I would start by looking deeply at the forms you learned. Search for them on YouTube. You may find various versions and when you see one that looks exactly the same you have a martial art DNA match. Then look up other forms from the style listed on the videos. you will probably have pretty good chance of finding out what you were doing.

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