My first camp and I blew out my knee


Purple Belt

I'm so annoyed with myself. My MA school had a camp this past weekend and it was my first ever Modern Arnis camp. I was totally psyched to met new people and learn some awesome techniques. I didn't even make it through the first full session. I turned and my leg went one way and my knee cap went the other. I was out for the rest of camp. My leg is in a brace and I'm on crutches. *sigh* I have a appointment with an orthopedist this week and hopefully I'll get some good news!
Sorry to hear that. They will be many others, but I can feel your frustration.

Hope things go well and you heal up fast!
OUCH!!! Sorry to hear about that! Its usually expected to get some minor bumps and bruises when attending a camp, but an injury like that is something we can all do without.

Good luck to you on the recovery.

That's terrible! Unfortunately though, not unheard of. I hope it's nothing too serious. Let us know what the Doc says.

Feel better!
Chin up, Tarot. Stay off of it, don't push yourself and let us know what the doc says.
I'm so sorry for you and I hope you will heal at 110%, take care.
I hope you have a speedy recovery! But, no matter what the prognosis, LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR!

That is so important. Don't push yourself and get a false sense of being okay. If you disagree with what the doctor has to say, get a second opinion to ensure you are getting the proper treatment for your injury.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Get well soon but don't go back before you are ready!
There will be many more camps in your future!
I dislocated my knee once and put it back in-tore the meniscus, but it eventually healed by taking Glucosamine Sulfate and MSM for inflammation. Ice it alot first three days with an ice cube until it is numb. If it is swelling alot then there might be more damage. Keep it up then as much as possible and off it. When you find out whats wrong, let us know. Take good care of it! TW
:boing1: My leg brace is off! Whee! I'm to work on bending it and getting the stiffness out. I'm also supposed to walk on it as he says it's not a weight bearing issue. So I've been doing just that. Although I do still use my crutches for support when I walk. And I need a knee brace for when I sleep, he said one from a sporting goods store would be fine. I'll have to get one tonight after class. I go back in two weeks for a follow up. He did say it would take awhile to totally heal and for me to feel normal again. I asked him if I should start wearing a brace to classes and he said that would be a good idea. Then he said, maybe this isn't the right exercise for you and you need to look at something else. PPFFFTTTT, now that I totally disagree with! :p:

TigerWoman, I'm going to look into taking some Glucosimine. I have loose joints anyway so I think this would be in my best interest. What is MSM?
Glad to hear that the brace is off. Make sure you take it slow as to not to reinjure the area.

Obviously the doctor is not an MAist himself! ;)

Keep us informed as to how things are going. :)
Tarot said:
And I need a knee brace for when I sleep, he said one from a sporting goods store would be fine. I'll have to get one tonight after class.
I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better, but I think this is bad advise. I'm sending you a PM.
Tarot said:
He did say it would take awhile to totally heal and for me to feel normal again.

TigerWoman, I'm going to look into taking some Glucosimine. I have loose joints anyway so I think this would be in my best interest. What is MSM?

Did he say what was really wrong with it...a sprain of a ligament or ? If so glucosasmine probably won't help you--just with a cartilage tear and lubrication of the joint. It won't help loose joints or loose ligaments get tighter either. Actually walking helps my ligaments the best. MSM is a sulphur compound that reduces inflammation similar to a NSAID like ibuprofen. It helps me but I think you have a different problem, but at least it will get healed. Just give it some time and go easy. TW
I sprained mine at testing (so you know I kept going), and the osteopath my regular doctor sent me to gave me a list of stretches to do to recondition it - he told me specifically not to wear a brace unless I wanted it to remind myself to take it easy on that leg, but that the brace wouldn't help. I'd be careful with anything that might restrict blood flow to the area, especially while you sleep.

Good luck, and speedy recovery to you!