My first ba gua class!

It sounds like fun and a good work out. The mud walking sounds like it would give one great legs and glutes. Maybe work the abs,too?

It most definitely gives you a work out, that's for sure! I felt the results of the mud- walking more in my legs, but yes- it works other areas also. Ba gua is completely different from anything I've done, with the exception of tonight. We did the chicken, which some of the stretches and poses reminded me of Yoga. It also helps with balance...
Yay tkdgirl! Congrads on yr first successful ba gua classes :-) Seriously tho, it's worth checking out the lineage of what yr being taught and i'm sure yr teacher won't mind you asking heaps of questions on that score - it shows that you have curious and honest intent in practicing.

Lower hip walking forever! :-)
Ok, so last night was my introductory class! I think the sensei said it's yin- but she said it all fast, and my brain was still trying to process all she said before hand, plus the way she pronounced it threw me off... It was great, in my opinion. We started off with rhinocerous (unicorn) stretching, then the lion, plus the shakes that are for each of those two. I felt kind of funny with the shakes, but we're not going into what I felt like. Anyways, after those, we moved into a couple of walks. It was hard to think of how to do the mud walk at first, but later it wasn't too hard. From there, we did a palm change- really cool...

So, now I have a question that's bugging me. I don't want to seem rude, but I want to ask her what style it is, or if there's some pamphlet or something that she can give me. I don't want to come out sounding like, "prove to me this is legit" or something. I just like knowing some history of what I'm getting into.

While I do original form, my teacher use to say that it took time for the mind an brain to develop to get bagua but than ionce you do it just speaks. The method of fighting used in the style i do is for throwing like Shuai Joa.