I had my grading this saturday! It was for 4 hours and quite hard work. All throughout I had a bad back but I didn't want to miss it and I felt like I was doing my best and trying really hard to perform all my forms to the best of my ability. At the end of it I got my Yellow sash but "just" as my instructor said! Even though I got it I still feel I didn't really deserve it because I still felt like a failure even though I tried hard and I didn't really get any acknowledgement for that. My instructor said I need to work on my postures and forms. He also mentioned that persons or people will not grade next time because they have to work on their postures. And I know he was talking about me, but its made me think about giving up because this doesn't do a lot for my self esteem, because I really need to hear some praise and encouragement! But I don't want to get my next grade so easily, I do want to earn it, but at the same time I want some recognition for my commitment and perserverance.
I have been training now for nearly 6 years and there was a period when I was still going to class when I was seriously ill. I'm thinking about maybe taking a break because I know my instructor is going to have a private word with me and tell me that he is not going to grade me next time because of my forms and postures. But I had been practicing a lot and it seems that I get confused when I learn a form because different people will be showing me.
I guess I'm too shy to ask for help!
If i do give up now it will be very hard to start again, as I have always felt intimidated of starting a Martial Arts class and too shy to enter a class.
I guess this is bad timing, because my confidence hasn't always been very good and right now I could do with more confidence. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like confrontations or getting into any arguments so I wouldn't like to confront my instructor about the way I was graded. I guess he isn't really aware of my shyness problem because I'm already seeing a therapist because of it. After I got home I did feel quite depressed because I don't really think I should have been given my Yellow sash but I think my instructor would have felt embarrassed not giving it to me infront of some of the parents who were there. And I have my next class tomorrow, but I don't know if I should go, maybe I should take a break.
What I really want is a wise old master to take me under his wing and teach me all he knows about martial arts. Oh well!
I have been training now for nearly 6 years and there was a period when I was still going to class when I was seriously ill. I'm thinking about maybe taking a break because I know my instructor is going to have a private word with me and tell me that he is not going to grade me next time because of my forms and postures. But I had been practicing a lot and it seems that I get confused when I learn a form because different people will be showing me.
I guess I'm too shy to ask for help!
If i do give up now it will be very hard to start again, as I have always felt intimidated of starting a Martial Arts class and too shy to enter a class.
I guess this is bad timing, because my confidence hasn't always been very good and right now I could do with more confidence. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like confrontations or getting into any arguments so I wouldn't like to confront my instructor about the way I was graded. I guess he isn't really aware of my shyness problem because I'm already seeing a therapist because of it. After I got home I did feel quite depressed because I don't really think I should have been given my Yellow sash but I think my instructor would have felt embarrassed not giving it to me infront of some of the parents who were there. And I have my next class tomorrow, but I don't know if I should go, maybe I should take a break.
What I really want is a wise old master to take me under his wing and teach me all he knows about martial arts. Oh well!