My black belt


Senior Master
There are some people think the black belt is just a piece of cloth around our waists and nothing more, the true black belt holder is the one who has many atributes to deserve that rank and this is certainly true.

My way of thinking is the black piece of cloth means hard work,comitment,respect and many other atributes that's why I cherish so much my black belt, because it costs me pain, tears and ofcourse many satisfactions.

I currently have 4 black belts, the firsth one (the most loved) was the one my sambonim tied my back in 1987 (1st dan black belt), it represents many years of training, sweat, etc. it's like an old glove, it's well wroke in and the embroiding is fading away from honest use, sadly my belly went big over the years and I could not wraped it twice as I Like on my tommy, so I cut it and fit it properly, this black belt is resting on my closet and I use it once in a while, I simply love the feel of this worn black belt, it's so softh it's a delight to wear it. My second black belt is a spare one I bought many many moons ago, as I wrote is a spare one, just in case belt, it's a plain vanilla cotton black belt without any lettering.
My third black belt is the one my actual sambonim gave it to me when I pass my second dan black belt, it's a very nice ligtly used black belt full embroided but's too WIDE (3 inches) and I can only wrape it once not twice as I like, this belt is a ceremony belt, you know the one I use at examinations, promotions, seminars and special ocacions. My fourth black belt is the one I currently use, it was gifth from wife, it's an Eosin Panther satin black belt, very nice looking belt (no embroiding) that fits me well, its my correct size.

Wich one's the favority? mmmmm hard to tell.... but I think the firsth one, it's so nice and softh afther so many years of use... however the satin one fits me very well.

My firsth black belt has so much hystori on it and I believe it's my favorite one.

Maybe I am a fool writing about my belts but they are an important part of my dobok and myself.

I got my first black belt on Sunday. Every morning I touch it for good luck as soon as I wake up. Sometimes I just stare at it. It means the world to me.
Sounds like each of them mean something different, but equally important. I still have every belt that I ever earned. Keeping them is a visual record of my progress through the years.
Yes... but if Bruce Wayne wouldnt have been able to figure out how to reach those gadgets then they wouldnt have been able to escape from all those dastardly villains!

I dunno. The belt was pretty important with Batman. Without the gadgets he just wasn't as dangerous.
I think to many people forget that its the person that makes the belt... not the belt that makes the person.

True but I see the belt as the "embodiment" of everything I've done. Sounds dumb but it's a concrete return on our hard work that we can touch and look at.

You're right, though, of course. We become black belts, we don't earn them.