I have been involved in "Martial Arts" since the 1960's both in the United States and the orient. I have worked out with and knew many who were responsible for making Martial Arts what it is today. I guess I fly off the handle when someone forms an opinion on people based on magazine articles and some web sites, rather than knowing the individual on a personal level.
I think instead of fighting, we should work together to educate people.
I do not know how many times I have been told an untruth about a person because some magazine wrote contradicting information. A prime example of this was an artist ********magazine spent a fortune stating the individual was undefeated. When I contacted them to say this is not so, they chewed me a new hind quarter and asked what proof did I have I told them I was there the night he was beaten and named who beat him.
Since the magazine spent a fortune touting this individual, they told me the match was overturned. Funny they forgot to tell the person who actually won.
Many people bad mouthed the actual winner claiming he never beat so and so based on this magazine,
I think instead of fighting, we should work together to educate people.
I do not know how many times I have been told an untruth about a person because some magazine wrote contradicting information. A prime example of this was an artist ********magazine spent a fortune stating the individual was undefeated. When I contacted them to say this is not so, they chewed me a new hind quarter and asked what proof did I have I told them I was there the night he was beaten and named who beat him.
Since the magazine spent a fortune touting this individual, they told me the match was overturned. Funny they forgot to tell the person who actually won.
Many people bad mouthed the actual winner claiming he never beat so and so based on this magazine,