No matter who you are, your religious beliefs, age,gender or whether yuo have ahd a criminal recaord, you can turn up at your local Martial Arts class and learn, no matter what your reasons are for learning as long as you pay your money on time you can learn new skills and practice them and even show off to your friends and people who you want to deter from trying any nonsense with you.
Many years ago teh old masters woudl never teach anyoen who woudl ahve miused their training. Exercises like carrying water, sweeping floors woudl have been usaed to humble apprectices in teh Shaolin temple and in old Karate schools i suspect people would go through the same boring drills for months on end before they were taught anything else. But because we in the west don't have time due to busy schedules, school, work etc, so instructors will take less tiem to teach the interesting and cool stuff. And this can attract all sorts of undesireable people who use the martial arts to their own means. I want to become a better person and be able to defend myself and not be such a door mat for others.
I have a friend who has been training in Taekwondo for 5 years now and he claims he started to get fit and it was somethign he coudl do inside!
But i don't believe him as he enjoys sparring and generally fighting people. He has been warned many times by his instructor for excessive force whiel sparing and because he has hardly any flexibility he will use a lot of hard punches so has no self control. He is preparing for his black belt as well which makes me wonder after all this time he should ahve calmed down and if he were in my class doing this, he woudl be asked to leave! When he is sparring someone, i never hear him say the other person used great techniques but rather calling him names for using hard kicks against him!
The problem is there are so many people liek him practicing Martial Arts and teh instructor cannot be everywhere watching us make sure we don't misuse our skills to fuel our own egos!
Please don't think i'm putting down Taekwondo as I'm not, because I have friends who train in this Art and are very humble people! I just wish instructors could vet people before they train with them but i am told in my style people have the wrong attitude leave because they cannot handle the training or the philosophy. My friend seems to think taht Kung fu is not as deadly as Taekwondo but i will leave him with his own ignorance. I once declined to spar wiht him in my friend's house because i was scared because he is very agressive and i just think he wanted to do that because he was on a power trip. Other people i ahve sparred with we have both exhanged comments about our skills and compimented each other and even if i lose in class i congratulate the other person for a good match and likewise! I am fortunate to be in a class where everyoen is friendly and tehre are no egos but there are those people who enjoy going to tournaments and thinking they're invincible because they scored more points! Whenever I spar i'm told not to use certain techniques because i woudl get disqualified in a real tournament but i don't think iw oudl enter a tournament! Maybe I should but they are too far for me to travel to and you ahve to wait for ages for your match!
There are so many people who could benefit from learnign a martial art such as people with lack of confidence, disable people, old people and women. But there will always be tose people who learn martial arts, boast about their skills ans use them against other people! Its so sad!
Many years ago teh old masters woudl never teach anyoen who woudl ahve miused their training. Exercises like carrying water, sweeping floors woudl have been usaed to humble apprectices in teh Shaolin temple and in old Karate schools i suspect people would go through the same boring drills for months on end before they were taught anything else. But because we in the west don't have time due to busy schedules, school, work etc, so instructors will take less tiem to teach the interesting and cool stuff. And this can attract all sorts of undesireable people who use the martial arts to their own means. I want to become a better person and be able to defend myself and not be such a door mat for others.
I have a friend who has been training in Taekwondo for 5 years now and he claims he started to get fit and it was somethign he coudl do inside!
But i don't believe him as he enjoys sparring and generally fighting people. He has been warned many times by his instructor for excessive force whiel sparing and because he has hardly any flexibility he will use a lot of hard punches so has no self control. He is preparing for his black belt as well which makes me wonder after all this time he should ahve calmed down and if he were in my class doing this, he woudl be asked to leave! When he is sparring someone, i never hear him say the other person used great techniques but rather calling him names for using hard kicks against him!
The problem is there are so many people liek him practicing Martial Arts and teh instructor cannot be everywhere watching us make sure we don't misuse our skills to fuel our own egos!
Please don't think i'm putting down Taekwondo as I'm not, because I have friends who train in this Art and are very humble people! I just wish instructors could vet people before they train with them but i am told in my style people have the wrong attitude leave because they cannot handle the training or the philosophy. My friend seems to think taht Kung fu is not as deadly as Taekwondo but i will leave him with his own ignorance. I once declined to spar wiht him in my friend's house because i was scared because he is very agressive and i just think he wanted to do that because he was on a power trip. Other people i ahve sparred with we have both exhanged comments about our skills and compimented each other and even if i lose in class i congratulate the other person for a good match and likewise! I am fortunate to be in a class where everyoen is friendly and tehre are no egos but there are those people who enjoy going to tournaments and thinking they're invincible because they scored more points! Whenever I spar i'm told not to use certain techniques because i woudl get disqualified in a real tournament but i don't think iw oudl enter a tournament! Maybe I should but they are too far for me to travel to and you ahve to wait for ages for your match!
There are so many people who could benefit from learnign a martial art such as people with lack of confidence, disable people, old people and women. But there will always be tose people who learn martial arts, boast about their skills ans use them against other people! Its so sad!