My Alarm Cat went off this morning


Crazy like a...
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Sometime before my alarm clock was supposed to go off, I wake up to a series of soft meows and a wet nose in my face. He didn't seem to want food, or even for me to get up, so I put my arm around him and he collapsed in this mass of purring. :D

Any of you have Alarm Cats, or pets that wake you up in the morning?
An arlarm cat and an alarm dog. Every morning the cat starts licking my arm and the dog licks my face. Not a bad way to wake up if you ask me.

I have a soft furry little ball of black and white fur that usually sneaks up between me and my husband every morning just before the alarm goes off. He tries very hard to be sneaky, cause he thinks we will push him back to the foot of the bed, lol. Then he has to somehow find a way to position himself so he is touching both of us. It is just too damn cute!
Our dog is the same way. The rare ocassions me and my wife are sleeping together, he just has to have contact with us both!

I used to have an alarm dog. She would get up and shake causing all the tags on her collar to jingle. I couldn't hit the snooze on her though cause then she would get ticked and just pee inside cause I didn't take her out.
Yes, my dog faithfully wakes me up every morning by 6am. He'll come into the room, over to my side of the bed, sit down and stare! LOL! When he doesn't get a response, he'll take his paw and place it on the bed, repeatedly! He'll usually alternate between me and my wife, until one of us starts to give him his morning rub down.

He's a Shepherd/Husky mix, so he is especially fond of this time of the year, when its starting to get cold.
My last dog was a snooze-alarm dog; she was perfectly happy until the alarm went off or I sat up - at that point, she wanted me up NOW so she could get her walk.

My current dog has always gotten a few minutes of cuddle and scrach time when I wake up, so when the alarm goes off or I wake up, he cuddles up to get his attention. After a few minutes, though, he starts to get antsy to go out in the yard. If I try to stay in bed after he's up and back in the house, then he starts wanting to get his walk, and he paces around the house, sticks his nose into my side, and just generally makes a nuisance of himself until I walk him. It's hard to ignore 82 pounds of pacing, excited dog... so I usually don't.
I wake up, every morning, to a tail being thumped, whatever I have exposed being licked, and my body repeatedly circled and walked on by the 3 stupids. Each seems to have an assigned job too. I think they are checking to see if I'm dead so they can eat me. Cats. Gotta love them (deep fried). :D
One of my cats just had kittens a few days ago. I made her a nest box in the laundry room. At about 3 o'clock in the morning yesterday, I woke up to little tiny mews. She had brought her two babies into snuggle up with me while she went out to eat, hunt, prowl, and what not.
One of my cats just had kittens a few days ago. I made her a nest box in the laundry room. At about 3 o'clock in the morning yesterday, I woke up to little tiny mews. She had brought her two babies into snuggle up with me while she went out to eat, hunt, prowl, and what not.
Gotta love the kittens!

I had a cat that climbed onto my chest just before her water broke. Kinda gross, yet touching.

If I am sleeping on my stomach, my cat Grendel will walk up my back and stand on my shoulders, and poke me in the face with her paw until I wake up and roll over. She then curls up next to me, tucked under my arm, and goes to sleep.

My other cat, Beowulf, randomly roams the apartment at night, yowling at nothing. He's not exactly an "alarm cat", rather he just doesn't believe in letting his humans sleep...
Occasionally Ceicei's black lab will come over and nudge me awake, but he's easily ignored. But more often than not I got a beautiful girl to wake me up, which is okay by me. Once in a while her sister will help and that's okay too. Even if they're only 4 and 6 yrs. old they're a nice cuddly alarm to wake up to.
Yes, my dog faithfully wakes me up every morning by 6am. He'll come into the room, over to my side of the bed, sit down and stare! LOL! When he doesn't get a response, he'll take his paw and place it on the bed, repeatedly! He'll usually alternate between me and my wife, until one of us starts to give him his morning rub down.

He's a Shepherd/Husky mix, so he is especially fond of this time of the year, when its starting to get cold.

Oh man, my dog used to do the same thing (also a Shepherd/Husky mix). In addition to the paw on the bed, she used to put her nose about 2 inches away from my face and blow. Nasty as all get out to wake up to, but God I miss that dog. Thanks for bringing back a very fond memory of an old friend.
i miss my cats, when i lived at home, my cat "uncle" roley would come and mew and scratch at my door every morning at 630 when my dad would leave for work. It got old, nothing would make him stop...he didnt want in or out or food or water or to be petted, he just wanted me to know he was there.
Oh man, my dog used to do the same thing (also a Shepherd/Husky mix). In addition to the paw on the bed, she used to put her nose about 2 inches away from my face and blow. Nasty as all get out to wake up to, but God I miss that dog. Thanks for bringing back a very fond memory of an old friend.

Yes, they certainly do some funny and cute things. Definately alot of 'Kodak moments'. :)

Often times, we get the scratching at the door/cold nose on the face thing...When we had our first cat(:angel: ), he would literally sleep curled AROUND my wife's head, i.e. feet on one side, and head on the other...My wife always seems to wake up with cat butt in the face, I'm not sure's funny, though
My cat got use to me getting up early when she was a kitten...NOW if I ain't up when the alarm rings she decides to bathe my forehead, rough raspy tongue...If I push her off she steps to the nightstand and when I reach to hit the snooze i get a nip...