Muscular men (esp Bodybuilders) popular targets for obese/nerdy tough guy wannabes into martial arts


Yellow Belt
A thread I found online.

Self Defense: Why are bodybuilders, dancers, and many nonfighters with clearly well-built bodies popular targets for "tough guy" types (violence geeks, MMA fanboys,etc) ?

In fact I just discovered a bodybuilder made a discussion of the article for laughs.

MMA Fighting

I'm quite curious why are bodybuilders and other athletes (of sports that are not about fighting/military/martial arts) as well practitioners of non-violent hobbies that build nice muscular bodies (such as male modeling) such popular targets for out-of-shape billy badasses?
Why are they targets? Well, they aren't, end of discussion :)

'Violence geeks' now that is funny :D:D
Hardly a ripped body builder, got a bit of a gut and round face, but I do lift and I am a big guy (I have to shop in limited places for shirts). In MA class I am often teased in a nice way about being the hulk, or giant, strong guy, or what ever. In both class and outside of class I have had men and women say they are intimidated. Honestly I am like a St Bernard dog so I dont get it. I have never had anyone deliberately look to start a fight with me due to my size. Maybe if I looked like a ripped fitness model or super big body builder maybe they would ? Glad I stay a bit pudgy on top of the muscles then.
body builder; who rely wants o pick on someone that looks like they can break you into small pieces

Dancers: well many look lady like so maybe this is a case of something else not picking on a dancer

someone with just a decent body well this can be a case of " look at him and I kick his ***"

many drunks and supposedly tough guys, will pick fights they are never going to win because of the bravery they have after a few they may also pick out those that they are sure they can beat just to prove they can
It's never happened to me. I've probably seen it more with female bodybuilders being picked on and bullied. I used know a few guys that lifted weights who were picked on, but it wasn't because of their muscles or because they were body building. A social outcast is a social outcast regardless of how much muscle they have. I'm thinking the bodybuilders who were are being harassed, were picked on before they got into bodybuilding. It's the same with martial artists. I'm a martial artist and some of my fellow martial artist are really strange to me. Much of the behavior is problem targeting a specific personality. Big muscles or martial arts doesn't equal instant coolness.

Fat people picking on fit people may not have anything to do with fitness, muscles, or martial arts. It could simply be one person that's a jerk and the other being socially awkward or and outcast.

It's usually the other way around. This post is BS if implying that this happens a lot. Go to any fitness gym and it's usually the bodybuilders who are the ones acting tough. I've never seen some little geek picking on a big bodybuilder. Maybe in the street when the geeks outnumber the bodybuilders with their crew or they could be in a gang, have weapons, etc.
It's usually the other way around. This post is BS if implying that this happens a lot. Go to any fitness gym and it's usually the bodybuilders who are the ones acting tough. I've never seen some little geek picking on a big bodybuilder. Maybe in the street when the geeks outnumber the bodybuilders with their crew or they could be in a gang, have weapons, etc.
I disagree. Just as there is happy fat or angry fat women, I imagine chick magnets to be targets of angry fat guys. I mean why not? LOL
I disagree. Just as there is happy fat or angry fat women, I imagine chick magnets to be targets of angry fat guys. I mean why not? LOL

If you notice, I said "it's usually the other way around" and not, "always the other way around". Sure it can happen that nerdy geeks and fat MMA fanbois can be the ones bullying bodybuilders....but c'mon, how is this logical that it would happen this way, more than the opposite of the bodybuilders, bullying the geeks? And I'm talking about 1 on 1 situations and not a ganging up scenario of 5 geeks on 1 bodybuilder.
Working pubs. You get people pick on what is obvious. So if you are fat. You are too fat. If you are fit then you are too fit. So yes body builders get picked on for being body builders. But I don't think they are targeted more specifically than anybody else.
Working pubs. You get people pick on what is obvious. So if you are fat. You are too fat. If you are fit then you are too fit. So yes body builders get picked on for being body builders. But I don't think they are targeted more specifically than anybody else.
When I was in the ARMY, we used to make fun of this Body builder because he always skipped leg day. :)
many drunks and supposedly tough guys, will pick fights they are never going to win because of the bravery they have after a few they may also pick out those that they are sure they can beat just to prove they can
Dear alcohol,
You said you would make me witty, charming, a good dancer, and enhance my fighting skills.
I saw the video... we need to talk.
Sincerely, Me
This thread is dumb. Not yours but the one you linked. I am an avid weight lifter and I am very bulky and in general thick. This does not mean I rely on brute strength though, all this means is I look bulky.

When it comes to fighting my muscles help, but what helps more is my training in martial arts. Weight lifting just makes me better at picking up heavy things and adds weight to my body via muscle. It adds a bit more power behind my strikes but that would mean nothing if I did not know how to strike properly.

Also some food for thought. There are zero muscles on my face, my throat or my groin. All of these areas are weaknesses just as they are to every other human being out here. A big guy fat or muscle could be knocked out just like a smaller guy if they are hit clean and hard.
(Thread Necromancy is why they call me "Darkfellow". . . Or maybe it's just 'cause that's the handle I chose! XD )

I don't find the attitude of targeting muscular guys to be highly prolific, but I have witnessed it on multiple occasions. There's definitely an issue here, and I find it's probably created by a few factors.

Firstly, that many people get into martial arts for bad reasons. I'm talking mostly about the same kinda' guy who becomes a cop because he wants the authority and power over others. These guys take up martial arts because they feel vulnerable, and to prove to themselves that they're not weak, they go after people who are perceived as being more powerful. Even if this guy is afraid to actually fight the muscular man, he can exhude an air of bravado to create an image of being not afraid of him, and call that guy out on being all muscle, no skill. Foolish and flawed, but it happens.

Then there's the guy who just makes too many assumptions. "Oh, that guy spent all his time lifting weights, so he never learned how to fight." Simple, and dangerously erroneous.

Simpler than that, is the guy who's just jealous and so tries to create a negative image around the object of his envy.

Then there are the guys who are similar to me (but possessed of more ego). Guys like me go into the gym and look for the biggest challenge, often biting off more than we can chew. We crave the competition of the fight, the beauty of the art, the spirit of the personal warfare, and/or the test of personal advancement, and these guys seem like prime targets. Especially if you're asking yourself, "Have I trained well enough to really make the art work?"

While I don't personally target these guys, I am always aware of those elements I just described whenever I happen to partner up with the muscle-man in the gym. I certainly want to beat him more than I care about beating the other guys, because of the ego-boost it would grant. Fortunately however, I have enough self-control and self-awareness that I don't let those emotions drive the way I practise. When I get paired up with the muscle-man, I still go at normal speed and intensity, I submit as soon as he catches me, I'm respectful in my language and action. I don't go easy on him nor expect him to go easy on me. We practise, eventually it's time to change partners, I thank him and move on. Exactly as I feel one should do, no matter who they're partnered with.

That said, I've been in a lot of gyms and talked to a lot of people about martial arts-- so I know first-hand that the "Get the big guy!" attitude definitely exists.

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