The ideas explored will include at least
- obtaining the edge of the conflict and maintaining it
- stacking your opponents so you ideally can be attacked by only 1 at a time
- treating the mass of attackers as a single entity with multiple limbs rather than separate people
- being in the 'moment' so as to strike and move on rather than becoming entangled with one attacker
- special considerations caused by the presence of weapons like blades or clubs or rocks
Ok Dancing let's start this thing ok?
1.-Define or give an example
of obtain the edge of the conflict and maintining it.
2.-Stacking your oponentes is something that we are taught so I try to ling up the three atacckers and don't let them sorround me this is something we must avoid, I like to use what ever is in my hands to achieve this, some times I grab one of the bad gus and use him as a shield while kicking and keeping at bay rhe other two guys, sometimes I just move like the aikidokas do in ramdori.
3.-How can I
treating the mass of attackers as a single entity with multiple limbs rather than separate people?
4.-being in the 'moment' so as to strike and move on rather than becoming entangled with one attacker. I got it, no problem.
special considerations caused by the presence of weapons like blades or clubs or rocks. This is something we don't do but it's worth to do it, one never know who of the bad guy can bring a knive or handgun.
When I did my 1st dan black belt examination the only things I could wear was my shin pads and a groing cup, the blows were hard and you can use what ever tech you want but eye pcoking, bitting and hair pulling... ahhh and groin shots were forbiden.
When I did my second dan black belt examn we could use hogu, helmet and shin/instep pad, elbow pads,globes,mouthpiece groin cup,etc,etc.
In kenpo class we practiced the techs using three atackers, yes it was some kind of coreografy aplying the techs learned however sometimes we used what ever resourse we had to defend ourselves, this kind of drills I really liked cause I could express myself free and most of the times I used a mix up of kenpo/tkd so basically I did not follow the drill exactly the same but as things hapened, you know very fast and some times very nasty.
As you may see, inside TKD I only twice or no more than three times spared with multiple atackers, most of thr times we do kyorugi, one steps and Ho Si Sool with only one foe and nothing else.