Multi-purpose indoor training shoes?

Another option. Very comfortable, look and feel great and ‘barefoot’ design.

develop calloused soles.
Interestingly, my Kendo teacher used to insist that it was better to have baby-soft skin on one’s feet than thick, dry callouses. The reasoning was that soft skin has a lower coefficient of friction and callouses tend to rip off in whole, painful sections! He was right and so to this day, I look after my feet, exfoliating and moisturising regularly. When I see cracked, calloused heels in sandals, at eye level when going up escalators, it makes me gag!🤢
Interestingly, my Kendo teacher used to insist that it was better to have baby-soft skin on one’s feet than thick, dry callouses. The reasoning was that soft skin has a lower coefficient of friction and callouses tend to rip off in whole, painful sections! He was right and so to this day, I look after my feet, exfoliating and moisturising regularly. When I see cracked, calloused heels in sandals, at eye level when going up escalators, it makes me gag!🤢

Dude I don't mean THAT calloused. As soon as I see cracks I use pumice stones then moisturise as well. Learnt the hard way ages ago that having soles that look like continents is not healthy.