Good cross-training shoes?


Blue Belt
I'm trying to keep my running shoes exclusively for... well, running. I've been using my old pair, but the cushioning is pretty much shot. This leaves me looking for a good, stable pair of cross-training shoes. Any suggestions?

Somebody on another forum suggested New Balance (which, incidentally, I used to use as my brand of running shoes, till I moved over to Asics); any others?
My response would depend on the answer to Cross training in what?

If it's MA, the only shoe I'll use (as long as they keep making them) is Discipline. Have broken various bones in my feet five times, and these shoes both support and have 'give'. Pretty sure Century MA carries them, but you can google to find out.
Kickboxing and boxing; while I know that if I were to kickbox 'in the ring', I'd be barefoot, but I always train with shoes to give myself more a 'feel' of what it'd be like to do so in a non-ring environment.

For running, I use specific running shoes.

I'll look into those that you mentioned!
Oh, and I should note that I'm also hitting the gym for lifting, crunches, etc. I doubt that would have much impact on the choice of shoe, though... would it?

(Hmm... Edit button's gone. And I only posted today. Odd...)

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