Muay Thai Women

I'm not sure what your point is but Fairtex in Thailand where our fighters train has women training and fighting there.Women fighting in Thailand is gradually becoming accepted with several Thai women training and fighting now.
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Strange, there is a local gym nearby that has women muay thai, they spar and are able to hang out with the boys, so i don't think there is any doubt about it.
There are trainers and gyms that now freely accept women to train in Thailand such as fairtex, jitti gym, sor vorapin, lanna and many others. Its been opening up and expanding with the boom toward farang centered business in the muay thai industry here. My camp is old school, hard core, no women can touch the ring or enter it or train there. So its true many of the kai muays frown on women training there, but there are ample opportunites for women to train elsewhere.

Women can compete also in the amateur competitions(such as the large WMTC/WMF comps) and professionally in the big event fights, Songchai is open to and promotes women competition as well.

Sor vorapin on khao san road was teaching women openly for a very long time as well.

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