Mster sken mauy thai..again awsome.


2nd Black Belt

I tried that embed stuff but couldnt get it to you put the [yt] on either side of the that link above???

anyway Naster Sken is the head of my muay thai camp,he's awsome,check some of the techniques!

come on guys im trying to get the Muay Thai forum booming again!!
I gotta try those knee climb attacks now lol. Bah why must you show me these, I'm still working on the basics but after seeing that I GOTTA try it, especially since I love throwing knees. I wonder if these would be legal on competetions?
Hannya said:
I gotta try those knee climb attacks now lol. Bah why must you show me these, I'm still working on the basics but after seeing that I GOTTA try it, especially since I love throwing knees. I wonder if these would be legal on competetions?

It depends what class you fight at europerans rules state that you cant throw any knees to the head until your a class A I know.
Thanks! Those vids were very interesting.
I see more than just conventional MT in there though. All those spinning and tornado kicks.Does he have a background in TKD or something?
All the grappling too. Where did he get that from? I like his style. A little flashy in parts but interesting.
Drag'n said:
Thanks! Those vids were very interesting.
I see more than just conventional MT in there though. All those spinning and tornado kicks.Does he have a background in TKD or something?
All the grappling too. Where did he get that from? I like his style. A little flashy in parts but interesting.

nah that spin kick is one of the few in muay thai,Master Sken is one of the heads of the biggest Muay thai association in England(check SIMTA on google for info),Unfortunatly as with all martial arts in order to sell mauy thai to the public you have to show of a bunch of fancy pants stuff in order to gain interest....your be suprised by the amount of people that think martial arts is just like what you see on the telly.

all the grapperling techinques are Muay Boran.
Odin said:
nah that spin kick is one of the few in muay thai,Master Sken is one of the heads of the biggest Muay thai association in England(check SIMTA on google for info),Unfortunatly as with all martial arts in order to sell mauy thai to the public you have to show of a bunch of fancy pants stuff in order to gain interest....your be suprised by the amount of people that think martial arts is just like what you see on the telly.

all the grapperling techinques are Muay Boran.

Yeah everybody loves the flash! I threw a tornado kick in a fight recently. A total waste of effort, missed by a mile. But the crowd LOVED it!
That Muay Boran is pretty cool stuff. I've heard of it, but never seen it in action before. I'll have to see if I can find some next time I visit Thailand.

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