Hello! I got 3 questions
I´ve been doing Muay Thai for like 5-6 months now and I really enjoy it. I recently started sparring and thought it was fun so I kept going. 1 day I sparred with this girl that I knew was pretty good since she competes and is praticing almost every day. She completly destroyed me, What messed me up is that as soon as I go forwards to hit her she moves back, not just leaning but moving back. Noone else did that so I didn't know how to get in her range, and I didn't really want to keep walking towards her since I knew she would see an opportunity to strike back. So what do I do vs someone who just moves back as soon as I try to strike? Also how do I improve my reaction time except sparring alot or see what punches will come if they dont strike in a pattern? And last but not least how many days is it "ok" to work out a week? My weekly workout schedule is pretty much that I do Muay Thai 4 days and then I workout at home on a heavy bag and do strengthening exercises for 2-3 days. So I mostly workout for 6-7 days/week. Is that ok? Idk if it matters but here´s my age, weight and height. Just turned 16, 79 kg and 6 foot. Thanks!