Muay Thai in Atlanta?


White Belt
i wasn't sure where to post this, so i'll post here and if it gets moved, that's fine :)

i'm moving back to atlanta in a few days, and once i get settled and get a job, i'm looking to start taking some muay thai classes.

i'm looking for a place that's reasonably priced, has plenty of classes to chose from as far as days and times go, and maybe even do a little bit of competition once i've been training for awhile.

anyone know of a place in atlanta like this?

thanks in advance.
Not certain as to what you consider reasonable however, if you are looking for excellent Muay Thai training look at the Francis Fong Martial Arts Academy. He is an excellent martial artist and instructor and is the Southeast representive for the Thai Boxing Association USA. The staff is excellent as well as the training facility.

Danny T
I actually remembered about Alliance Martial Arts, and was considering going there, because from what i've heard, they're considered the "top school" in GA. but i'm sure it's all very subjective.

Do you know anything about Alliance or have you heard anything about it?
If I remember right, Allienace is Remoro Jacera's school (spelling?) and that is brazilian jiu-jitsu, which is totally different than muay thai.

I have always heard good things about Fong's school. Still, you need to sit and watch a few schools before picking one. It would be even better if you tried a few out for a week or two before choosing.
