Mow the Lawn or Go To Jail


I'm working on it... since I bought the house 5 years ago, I have been slowly replacing grass with drought-resistant, sun-loving plants in planting beds (sun-loving, because the grass I replaced was on the south side of my house, and kept burning and dying). When the plants in the beds multiply a little more, I'm going to expand the beds. The back yard will always have some grass, as that's all my dog will use... which is nice, usually, but means I must have some grass for him. But the grass in the backyard needs less water anyway, as it's on the east side of the house, with another house east of it - so it gets less sun, and only in the morning.
For awhile our city would mow your lawn and then BILL you for it...I have no problem with locking up those are are too LAZY to mow, and I'd like them to go on better..Aside from doing 30 days they should be let out during the day to mow the lawns of the many vacant houses awaiting sale..Cleveland makes their jail guests pick up trash..

Heh, a few days ago my mum and I were driving home from the mall and we spied guys on the side of the highway carrying bright orange plastic bags and wearing brighter yellow vests with the wording "I'm A Drunk Driver!" on the backs!

Mebbe the cities could adopt that policy of getting folks motivated to take care of their own by doing the work of others.
Heh, a few days ago my mum and I were driving home from the mall and we spied guys on the side of the highway carrying bright orange plastic bags and wearing brighter yellow vests with the wording "I'm A Drunk Driver!" on the backs!

Mebbe the cities could adopt that policy of getting folks motivated to take care of their own by doing the work of others.

Man, what an EXCELLENT idea...I am in 100% agreement on that one....