I find it hard to imagine there's a category of content that we're not doing at my school. We do punch defense, kick defense, grab defense, weapon defense, weapon forms, weapon drills...a new school would obviously have different details, but I think I'd be able to adapt pretty quick.I would agree with your lean toward the second school. But I would caution you not to promise yourself or the Master anything. There could be more school specific stuff than you think. If you came to my school it would be at least one-steps from white belt, saju kong bongs from white belt, and ho sin suls (grab defenses) from yellow belt. Plus we do all taegeuks until brown belt, then switch to chang hon. So if you were entering my school from a school that doesn’t incorporate those, you would have a TON to learn.
With that said, the Master's attitude at the school I'm looking at is that he doesn't want to over-test. So I have a feeling, based on his words, that he probably has less rote material than I'm used to. Of course, he may have more than he's put on Youtube, but at least I'd have a leg up.
At my current school, that would have been virtually impossible before COVID, because he would schedule one class to end at 5:10 and the next one to start at 5:10. With that said, that's what the other instructors are for - so he can have office time between classes and not feel rushed.So go in willing and interested, but clear on taking it slowly and building relationships. Also, I get wanting to introduce yourself face to face, however, don’t try to do it right before a class starts. If they are anything like mine, I feel like most Masters will be a little rushed and may not feel like they have enough time to talk with you properly.