Moving the school


MTS Alumni
We are moving our weekday classes to a new place. A fitness center that can give us better hours, though our weekend classes will remain at the gymnastics school we've been at for years.

I'm wanting to get input from people who teach out of gyms to what we should ask for and expect.


I teach out of a Y, and, like anything else, there are pros and cons. The primary pro is visibility; the primary con is the infighting over space - class and storage. If possible, I suggest a locking container.
As I am not a school owner I have nothing to add except may this move prove profitable and satisfying for both of you...
Ask for complete use of the gym and ALL of its facilities. I am currently in the process of getting classes going at a new gym and that is one of the items I asked for. The owner gets 15% of student revenues and we get the facility. You should ask that you get some respect for the classes you are running with regard to noise. I have run across this with other classes and with little kids it can be a pain if the gym is noisy.
Thanks for your input! It's greatly appreciated. We already have a locking container for there and we are getting access to all the facilities, just like the aerobics instructors and the like.

Sounds great Jeff and you should be able to pick up new students in no time. Yes have full access to the entire gym is a plus. Go get em
One great thing about this situation is that our sister school is affiliated with the one other fitness facility in town. The one they are at is building a new location that is very nice, very big, and very expensive. The instructors over there are really starting to get worried that many of their students are going to "jump ship" to us. In fact, their most senior kyu ranked student has already approached us, as have a few others. We aren't actively trying to poach students, but their near doubling in rates is running them towards us. A bit awkward, but appropriate if you know the history between that school and us.

I guess I'm going to have to make a pilgrimage in that direction to see the new facility..
I guess I'm going to have to make a pilgrimage in that direction to see the new facility..
The place they are moving too is huge! Swimming pool, full sized basketball court, all kinds of stuff. The regular memberships are three times the price though. I'm starting to think that it might be too big and expensive for this area. Also, the locations isn't very convenient for most people. Who knows if it will work out or not.

Good luck with the move! It looks like you're in a good situation.

The regular memberships are three times the price though. I'm starting to think that it might be too big and expensive for this area. Also, the locations isn't very convenient for most people. Who knows if it will work out or not.


Price really isn't an issue, if the clientele perceives that they are receiving a good value for their money spent. If the students think that they are going to get a lot of "stuff" for the money spent, then they'll spend the money.
Good luck with the move! It looks like you're in a good situation.

Price really isn't an issue, if the clientele perceives that they are receiving a good value for their money spent. If the students think that they are going to get a lot of "stuff" for the money spent, then they'll spend the money.
Oh, I agree with you on that, however, they have been recieving lots of complaints from their current memeber who don't want too, and many won't, pay the extra money.
I'm starting to think that it might be too big and expensive for this area. Also, the locations isn't very convenient for most people. Who knows if it will work out or not

That is always a worry..The gym I work out at went through the same thing..Started out as a hard core gym not a spa...Added an arobics center then added on to that and brought in MA instructions, Cardio kickboxing and more ...The price keeps going up...Still when people find out what they have commited to paying by signing one of the contracts that Ballys offers, the gym is still the better deal..
When I lived in Indy, there was a Bally's right next door to me so I thought I'd get a membership there. Wow, I couldn't believe how much they cost. And it is cheaper than what this place will be charging.