Movies you would like to see made?


Senior Master
Just thinking today about some of the many books I had read over the years and which ones would make a good movie. That of course led to the old movies I've seen and would like to see an updated version. What got me thinking about the movies was running across "The Bad News Bears" on one of the movie channels. That has to be one I think the new version is better than the old one. I didn't care for the old one, but Billy Bob Thorton just makes the perfect coach. A book I liked and made into a newer movie which I really liked was "Of Mice and Men" with Gary Senise.

I would really like to see a movie about the "Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition" from the nonfiction book "Endurance" There is original film footage from the 1914-1916 expedition. Another book I would like to see as a movie is "The book of Five Rings" not sure how you would do that one, but it would be interesting.

What are your choices and why?
Im a huge Dean Koonts fan and many of his book would make really good movies. Like the Odd Thomas trilogy, or Darkfall and The Face would make good ones as well. Fear Nothing and Sieze The Night would have to be my 2 top choices though.

I would like to see some more comic book characters brought to life, like Captin America for example. My dream comic book movie would be a JLA (Justice League of America) movie. Which thankfully is in pre-production mode right now.

Cryptonomicon by Neil Stephenson
The Repairman Jack series by F Paul Wilson (he is working on it)
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - in screenplay limbo at last word
House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski
I would like to see some more comic book characters brought to life, like Captin America for example. My dream comic book movie would be a JLA (Justice League of America) movie. Which thankfully is in pre-production mode right now.


Watch for the Captain next year, apparently its in production.

A JLA movie? Excellent.

I would like to see the Wizard of Earthsea trilogy done properly, not like that travesty that was produced a few years ago for TV.

And, of course, there are a few of David Gemmell's books I'd like to see as movies.

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