Books you'd like to see made into movies

There's an Ender's Game movie in the works... and

What little I've seen/heard about it is promising.

But to make a movie, or even a limited series, of any of the Callahan stories? I don't think they'd translate well. I think too much works on the puns, on the unexpected verbal twists (like the twist in who is a time traveler in one of the earliest stories... which I won't say more about to avoid ruining the fun! Go READ THEM FOR YOURSELF!)
"The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death". Great book. HBO was interested in it as a miniseries, but dropped the project. Boo.

With his teaching career derailed by tragedy and his slacker days numbered, Webster Fillmore Goodhue makes an unlikely move and joins Clean Team, charged with tidying up L.A.'s grisly crime scenes. For Web, it's a steady gig, and he soon finds himself sponging a Malibu suicide's brains from a bathroom mirror and flirting with the man's bereaved and beautiful daughter.

Then things get weird...
I hate my favourite books being made into films, I never watch them. I have all the characters imagined in my head and I don't want to see someone's idea of my favourites. I hate book clubs for the same reason, I really don't like sharing ideas etc about the books I read. Probably the sign of a book/word addict!
I hate my favourite books being made into films, I never watch them. I have all the characters imagined in my head and I don't want to see someone's idea of my favourites.
I said pretty much the same thing on another thread. If it was a great book, keep it away from the screen. But "if" they could do a decent job of it, I'd like to see some Robin Hobb work such as the Farseer / Tawny Man Trilogy.
I'd like to see Will Thomas' Victorian detective books (Some Danger Involved, To Kingdom Come, The Limehouse Text, The Hellfire Conspiracy, and The Black Hand) on the silver screen.
The Vor Game by Lois M. Bujold
Any of Honor Harington books by David Webber
The Mote in God's Eye by Lari Niven and Jerry Pournell
The Rift War Saga by Reimond Feast :D
"The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death". Great book. HBO was interested in it as a miniseries, but dropped the project. Boo.

I really liked that book. Might be a great film with the right cast and director.
The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay
Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson
Axis Trilogy by Sara Douglass
The Gap series by Stephen Donaldson
In Her Name by Michael Hicks

I'd love to see a good high budget adaptation of the Dresden Chronicles that was able to capture the wit and sarcasm of the source material.
I hadn't thought of Snow Crash, that would be great.

I think Steve Perry's "Musashi Flex" would be a fun sci-fi/martial arts film.
I'll think more deeply on this later but to bump the thread I'll mention a couple off the top of my head.

Ender's Game - Already being made into a movie so doesnt count.

Dune - A Dune movie directed by Tarsem Singh would be glorious.

Mack Bolan - Really any of the novels could do, or just write a new one. Never understood why they never took advantage of the character.
I would like to see a modern treatment of the Clan of the Cave Bear series. It's such a massive story that a regular TV show on FX or SciFi would be preferable to a movie. However if they could get Peter Jackson to create a series of major movies like he did with Lord of the Rings I would be first in line.

I would also like to see a new Wonder Woman movie, ideally directed by Joss Whedon.
The Legend of Drizzt series of books by R. A. Salvatore. Yeah, I know there are a lot of fanboys for those books, but if directed well, I think they'd make a good movie.

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