Movies about terrorism....


Blue Belt
I saw a trailer for a new terrorism movie where they threaten to keep making terror attacks until the deliver the US president
into their hands. In the trailer you saw bridges being blown up and so on.
Then some intelligence guy held a patriotic speech about how they will get the terrorists and how they won't bow down to them yadda yadda yadda the same stuff you basically hear from every politician nowadays after a real terror attack.

I really ask myself why in the world are they even making movies like this?! Do they think this is funny?
I think it's a shame that they try to make money with stuff like that. These very scenarios which you see in those
apocalyptic movies can very well become a reality.
Maybe they even inspire terrorists with this.

And in the end the good guys win, of course. The president won't get killed and they defeat the terrorists and everything's fine. :)

Or maybe these movies are supposed to prepare the people for the real terror which is coming so that when it really takes place
and when they're about to lose their minds from all the fear they think back to this glorious movie and how America defeated
the bad guys and feel encouraged. This whole "we'll hunt the terrorists down" crap is so silly. Does anybody actually believe this?
You cannot hunt them down. But politicians say exactly the same stupid bs after a terror attack. It's always the same as if they
have these speeches stored on their computers and whenever something's blown up they simply insert the name of the country
and city where it took place.
As if the terrorists cared about this nonsense. No, we won't bow down. We will defend our western values bla bla bla.
I really can't stand this stuff anynmore. They could as well put on ape in front of the camera who reads from a paper.

Anyway, I think people should boycott crap like this. Why are people so keen on watching such movies anyway?
Horror movies or sc-fi movies with attacking aliens or zombies are something entirely different.

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