Actual X-on-1 movie fights?


A lot of 2-on-1 or mob-on-one fights in movies end up as several 1-on-1 fights in rapid succession. There's the old trope of a mob of 20 bad guys surrounding the good guy, and then going in one at a time only to be blocked or dodged, and then either kicked or thrown before the next guy comes in. There are a few...and I mean VERY few...fights where you actually have multiple people attacking the single opponent at the same time.

For the most part, a fight scene with 10 guys that are done as 10 1-on-1 fights could just be a scene against one guy who keeps getting up after he's taken down. I'm interested in movies or clips where the choreography is designed for multiple opponents, where the fighter has to use tactics to deal with the extra threats while engaged.

The good X-on-1 fight scenes I can think of are:
  • Jackie Chan's Who Am I, final rooftop fight
  • Jackie Chan's Project A, in which it's actually the bad guy doing 1-on-2 or 1-on-3
  • A few of the fights in MMPR have the putties work together (actually when they're not in suits so silly that you can barely move or doing too much with wires, MMPR has some of the better martial arts fights out there, especially for a TV show)
  • Ip Man vs. 10 Black Belts (and even then only a small portion of that fight, as the rest is several one-on-one fights)
What are some others, where people actually work together against a single opponent instead of taking turns?
He's still a gentleman and asks if anyone wants to get out first.
yeah I would have taken that offer. It would have been the turning point where I finally understood without a doubt, that I was part of a really dumb plan.
I'm gonna have to go with the Last Samurai Ambush scene. According to Tom Cruise, they did the scene from start to finish without breaking.
I will say, Winter Soldier, Bucky and Cap vs. Iron Man is actually pretty good, although we're starting to get away from the spirit of the discussion as a lot of what they do, real people can't.

Edit: now I did it wrong. Civil War, Bucky and Cap vs. Iron man...