Movie Season 2013

My only question reference ST2 before I go to see it is, did JJ cut down on the amount of lens flare this time round?
My only question reference ST2 before I go to see it is, did JJ cut down on the amount of lens flare this time round?
No. And I'm not sure if he used an incredibly wide angle lens, or if it was the IMAX 3d screen I saw it on, but there was some distortion at the edges of the screen, where peoples' heads would grow or shrink a little.

I didn't find the lens flare effect distracting, but the slightly odd head sizes sure caught my attention.

I'm curious to see the film on a regular screen to compare.
Well even though the lens flare got irratating throughout the first movie, I will take everyones advice so far here that it is definitely worth a watch and try and go and see it sometime soon.
Lol everyone is talking about the lenses used in the new Star Trek but no one comments on the new Seagal movie. Oh how the mighty have fallen lol. Star Trek looks great but Deadly Crossing is classic action/martial arts. Much more relevant :)
As more trailers for Man of Steel come out, the new Superman movie keeps rising in my line up of summer movies. It is also nice that the guy portraying Superman didn't mind appearing in a Hardee's commercial as Superman. Considering this is his big shot at the top, it is good that he doesn't seem to mind promoting the movie and so far I haven't heard of any bad behavior from the guy. Hopefully, the Snyder-Nolan combination will make this a Superman movie that fans have been waiting for for a long time. The Christopher Reeve movie was good for it's time, but the new ability of special effects would make a good story even better. That balance is hard to achieve, so it will be interesting to see if they achive it...

Zod seems to be a good pick. I saw the actor in Boardwalk Empire and thought, wow, where else can this guy get an acting job, as "quircky," as he looks and sounds...and it turns out he is going to be the epic villian in the hoped for summer blockbuster...just goes to show how odd show business is...
Just saw the latest Fast and Furious. Some good martial arts moments. And I think it's safe to say that they pretty much blew up, ground up, pulverized, mangled and destroyed everything in sight. It was fun.
Just saw the latest Fast and Furious. Some good martial arts moments. And I think it's safe to say that they pretty much blew up, ground up, pulverized, mangled and destroyed everything in sight. It was fun.

Agreed. Saw this the other night with my daughter. I put this in the same category as the transporter. Fun, but very silly. There was one line toward the end that my daughter and I both laughed out loud. Don't want to spoil it for others, but I wonder of you know the one I'm talking about.

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I saw Star Trek. It was a good film for fun and spending a couple hours just being entertained. Seeing it in the theater isn't bad, but you could wait for Red Box or Netflix.


I'm wondering...if Star Fleet isn't for military purposes...then which fleet is? The pacifism in the movie, reminisent of 1920a-1930s Europe, in the face of actual threats from actual enemies, the klingons in this film, and the other aliens in the Star Trek universe kind of call for a "militarized,"'t you think?
Iron Man 3 was a great B movie. It was better than Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance which was total and utter garbage. Fast 6 was pretty awesome I thought. Man of Steel looks visually stunning but story wise I hope that it is great. I'm interested in Hangover 3 but I'm not going to pay for it I know that much. Oblivion was also interesting and had a decent twist to it. But I felt like the story was just going on and on so I was bored through most it. I hope 2013 brings some good movies. Not a big Star Trek fan so I'll be skipping that. Dark Knight rises was decent but it shouldn't have been 3 hrs. It was a no man's land lazarus pit mix of a story and they totally screwed Robin. I think a nightwing movie would be interesting if they ever explored that mythology. but Avengers wasn't no prize although it had its moments.
How do you define a B movie? Iron man 3 isn't what I'd call low budget.

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Agreed. Saw this the other night with my daughter. I put this in the same category as the transporter. Fun, but very silly. There was one line toward the end that my daughter and I both laughed out loud. Don't want to spoil it for others, but I wonder of you know the one I'm talking about.

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I can think of several, so I'm not sure which one you mean and don't want to create a spoiler. You can PM me if you want to compare notes.
I can think of several, so I'm not sure which one you mean and don't want to create a spoiler. You can PM me if you want to compare notes.
PM Sent.

Regarding Ghost Rider, the rights have reverted to Marvel/Disney. Daredevil, too. I'm hoping that they both, but particularly Daredevil, gets a reboot and some better treatment. Daredevil could be a really awesome, gritty successor to the Dark Knight series.
Saw the Purge...not a bad movie...probably better for redbox rather than shelling out cash at the theater.

The Anti-American, anti-religious, anti-founding fathers silliness detracted from the enjoyment...but that is better discussed in the Study...
On Screenrant there is a trailer from Man of Steel sponsored by a cell phone company and I have to say...the movie keeps looking better and better...this weekend...
I too am thinking about going to see Man of Steel this weekend, looks great, but with so many trailers floating about I am hoping I haven't already seen all of the 'best bits'.
Went to see Now You See Me on Saturday. A fun movie. I went in with very low expectations based upon the reviews and was pleasantly surprised. The story doesn't quite hold together, and the conclusion is questionable. In the plus column, the characters are likable, the story telling is fast paced and there is a pretty good twist in the end.

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