Movie season 2012 about to begin...

Hmmm...It was...disapointing and I don't think he is going to get another chance to explain things in another movie. I saw the film "maxed" out in 3d Imax and that was the only real redeeming feature. He attempted some interesting things but they didn't work. In my opinion.
I also plan to go see the Avengers again in the movie theater and that is something I've done only twice before. I really enjoyed this movie. Great action with a handful of funny parts. Can't recommend this movie more as entertainment.

Too much fun:

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Actually, the Michael Fassbender was really very good in it as well. Charlize Theron plays a cold, unpleasant person very well as well.
The Avengers was great, no doubt about it. Absolutely a "buy" when the DVD comes out.
Dark Shadows was good too. I was glad to see that most of the comedy involved Barnabas being a man out of time, rather than a spoof of the series. As someone who remembers the 70's (through a blur), it was fun to see the little touches put in. Eva Green was HOT (IMHO) and even Michelle Pffeifer (sp?) looked good in those big eyelashes and powder-blue eyeshadow. The ending looks like they want to make a sequel, but given the events at Collinwood and with the people of Collinsport, that might be a problem.

By the way, did everyone see the SECOND little bit after the credits in the Avengers? Not the part with Thanos, but the short scene after all the credits had run? If not, it's a good excuse to see it again! Nothing special, just a nice scene.
For Sukerkin, a review of Prometheus, from the leader of Monster Hunter Nation...

But despite all that good, Prometheus made my head hurt. I’ve heard some people try to say that it is a “thinking” movie for “grown ups”… No. And quit being a pretentious wannabe English professor. The problem with Prometheus being a Thinking movie is that the more you think about it, the less it makes sense. The more I think about it, the more things I have a hard time with. (you’ll notice that you never hear anybody complaining about the plot holes of the Avengers, because it didn’t try to be a Thinking movie. It just says shut up and enjoy your awesome).
Instead Prometheus was written in such a way that it required the cast of supposedly intelligent characters to make decisions like unto the cast of a low budget B horror movie. It was one step above “hey, we’re in the haunted murder mansion with a serial killer, let’s split up and wander around in the dark!” “Great idea. Let’s have sex and smoke pot so the slasher can murder us faster while we’re distracted!” I expect that kind of cheap cop-out writing from movies that cost $100 and the actors were paid in beer, not $200,000,000 gorgeous movies starring a bunch of great actors.

Character spoilers below this point...

SPOILER ALERT! Seriously, this is spoilerific. Stop reading now if you don’t want spoilers.
I warned you…
Captain’s log. Star date, Dec 23, 2089. This is Idris Elba, Captain of the Prometheus. We are on a mission to the faraway planet LV-223 because a couple of archeologists read Chariot of the Gods. Apparently with the bazillions of stars you can see from earth from different hemispheres and across thousands of years this was the only place in all of outer space that five dots lined up just right, and I’m not going to think too hard about that any more. Charlize Theron is our requisite corporate ice ***** and we’ve even got an android. There’s a bunch of other crew, but I’ve got a sneaky feeling that none of us are going to bother to learn their names.
I’m currently in hypersleep while our android is demonstrating that if this was a better movie he would totally win an Oscar.
Dec 24. We all got decanted from hyper sleep. Charlize did pushups to demonstrate her corporate hard-***-itude and the archeologist with the dragon tattoo barfed a lot. The crew got to know each other so the audience could easily determine who was going to die first. I think the Weyland Corporation must not give a crap about this mission since they hired Insane Clown Posse to be our science team. (Rainbows! What do they mean?)
I saw Snow White. It was long, and boring, despite the fight sequences. Charlise theron is once again playing the cold, aloof, villain, but it is somewhat of an empty performance. I don't know if I would recommend seeing it from red box. Wait for Netflix or cable...
I saw Snow White. It was long, and boring, despite the fight sequences. Charlise theron is once again playing the cold, aloof, villain, but it is somewhat of an empty performance. I don't know if I would recommend seeing it from red box. Wait for Netflix or cable...
Agreed. The main character was lifeless. She's just a terrible actress. Some of the effects were good, but the script was pretty bad and the story plodded along at a snail's pace.
I saw Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter last night. Not horrible, but probably best seen through redbox. Some interesting axe work.
The Amazing Spiderman was awesome. I can't really say whether a casual moviegoer will appreciate the differences between this movie and the Toby Mcguire/Sam Raimi spiderman of a few years ago, but for anyone who actually digs superheroes, read the comics and Spiderman in particular, this was a FANTASTIC, AWESOME movie.

The Peter Parker/Spiderman character was much more faithful to the comics. The story itself, while yet another origin story, does a much better job of making it interesting, exploring the characters and moving the plot forward than any of the previous Spiderman movies, with the possible exception of Spiderman 2, with Doc Oc.

At 2 hours and 20 minutes (or so), it's long, but didn't feel that way at all. This is... man, I can't decide whether I enjoyed The Avengers or this movie more... they were both great.

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That is encouraging. Spiderman has been sort of downplayed by the critics because of the reboot, but now I am a little more hopeful about it. Hopefully, I'll see it this week.
Went to see Spiderman and Ted this weekend (getting out of the heat). I didn't see the other Spiderman movies, so I can't compare this to those, but I thought the new one was OK. I'm not really a Spiderman fan, but I do see him in the pages of the New Avengers. Emma Stone was good as Gwen Stacy, but I really couldn't buy her as a high school student. A friend of mine (who is a fan) didn't like the previous movies because Spiderman wasn't "gangly" enough. I suspect he'll be pleased with the present movie, as Parker's moves seemed to have a "Ditko-esque" flavor. All in all, not a bad way to spend a couple of hours.

As for Ted, if you like Family Guy, you'll probably like it. Mila Kunis is certainly no Meg :) .
I was channel hopping and found Anne Hatheway on Letterman. Quick question for those who watched the show...Did Letterman give away the ending to the movie?
Mmmm .... Anne Hathaway ...


... oh sorry ... that was out loud wan't it? :o
Now I wish I had gone and seen it this weekend. Guess I'll know next weekend how it ends!

I won't say whether I was right or wrong, but it was a great movie. Not as dark as dark knight.

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I saw Ted, wish I hadn't.

Type of comedies I have enjoyed in the past:

Wedding Crashers
Big Bang Theory (television show)
Fawlty Towers
Monty Python skits: The Cheese shop, The Tribute to Sam Peckinpah, The Pet shop
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Comedies I didn't think were funny, at all...
Horrible Bosses
Hang Over
Two and a Half men (television show)
American Pie (didn't finish it)

So, that at least gives you my range of what is actually funny. Ted wasn't funny at all, the only funny bits really, you saw in the trailer. I wouldn't recommend it for a movie theater, redbox or netflix.

The audience did seem to think it was funny though, so there you have it for Ted.
They're hit and miss for me. I liked hangover, but hated horrible bosses. I don't think I'm going to like Ted.

Some comedies I'm looking forward to though, are the Watch and the campaign.

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