Mosted Rated TKD Books Survey 2011 (Totally TKD Magazine)


Black Belt
This is a request for you to take part in Totally Tae Kwon Do Magazine's "Mosted Rated TKD Books Survey 2011".

We ran the survey in 2009, so thought it would be good to run it again, with the new books that have been released.

The idea behind the survey is to 'rate' books based on their content, so a Top 20 can be shown with the books that Tae Kwon Do students feel worthwhile, as opposed to how Amazon lists them by sales (as book prices enhance sales). In this survey, you simply judge the book by its content only and do not have to evaluate price Vs content!

Click here to take the survey now:

Some Notes On The Survey
-The survey is split into 3 main sections - KKW/WTF books, Ch'ang Hon/ITF books and books that are TKD based but don't really fit into either category.
- You can complete all 3 sections of the survey, or you can by-pass the books you maybe don't have due to your style, however, all are asked to complete the final section (Other books).
- The survey will take you between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on how long you take mulling over your answers
- You do not have to complete the survey in one go, but can do a bit then come back later and finish it off - be sure to click the 'next' button before going, so your answers (so far) are saved, otherwise you will have to redo them.
- All questions need to be answered - if you do not own a book, simply select the 'Don't Own' box.
- Each book has a choice of 5 answers - from Excellent to Poor (plus the Don't Own option)
- Most blocks of questions are 'randomized' for each survey respondant, meaning no books get the 'top slot' in each section making it as far as possible.
- The survey is anonymous - meaning your information & answers are not shared. However, please be aware that it does request some details, such as your name & your instructors name but this is simply to make sure the survey is fair and as an effort to stop any cheating.
- Please use your real name - fake names or 'tags' or anything else will mean your answers will be deleted and will not form part of the survey as they cannot be verfied.
- The survey asks for your style, continent and country - this may be used at a later stage to see which books are most popular in certain countries, though it will not form part of the main survey at present.
The survey will run for a month or so, so please pass this email onto your TKD friends etc.

Many thanks for getting involved. Please click the link above to begin the survey.


The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine

Ps. Mods, if this violates the TOS - please delete
By the way, if you notice that I have missed any books out, please let me know!

If possible, please let me know in the following ways (in this order):

1. On the Totally TKD Facebook page note on the survey - found under 'notes' (
2. By email:
3. Here, on this forum

After a couple of weeks, anymissing books can be added to the survey (or a new survey with just the missing ones included), so we can cover them all.
By the way Stuart, just a quick thanks for the work you're doing on Totally TKD. I enjoy reading the articles, particularly since it covers a diverse group of people around the world. Good to get fresh insights.
Hi everyone,
This is an a request to ask if you would mind taking part in an additional part to our '2011 Mosted Rated TKD Books Survey' .
The extra part is the books missed from the original survey and it will take you 5 minutes.

Extra Books Survey:

If you have done the original survey - Please complete the 'Extra Books' survey as well
If you started the original survey, but havnt completed it yet - please do so ASAP and then complete the 'Extra Books' survey too.
Finally, if you havnt done the survey yet - please do them both, as the more views we have, the more comprehensive the survey will be.

- the original survey link is:

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