Taekwondo Research to know why learn TKD and why stop TKD


White Belt
Hello, all Taewkondo mania:

My name is Minkil Kim, doctoral student in Sport Management Program at University of Florida.
While I taught Taekwondo classes for two years in University of Florida, I have realized that there are not many Taekwondo studies have been conducted in pure journals although Taekwondo is an Olympic sport and most popular discipline among various martial arts.
Thus, I decide research focus on Taekwondo in order to announce the superiority of Taekwondo. I am currently conducting a study that identifies variables that affect current and potential adult members’ decision to attend and cease Taekwondo schools.

I would like to ask you to assist me by completing the questionnaire. Your help would make TKD stronger among martial arts.

This survey is about your feeling and reactions to various aspects of your experience in your taekwondo school. The collected information is very important since it may help increase understanding of your needs, thus enabling Taekwondo schools to improve the programs and service offered to you.

Participation is entirely voluntary and you have to be over age of 18 for participation.
It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. There are no physical and psychological risks associated with participating in completing this questionnaire.

Please click the on-line survey
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

P.S: I also would like you to forward this survey link to your TKD friends who currently attend private school. (Participants have to be over age of 18 years olds)

I grateful for your time and deeply appreciated your assistance with this study.
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If you'd like two big perspectives go to the AAU's in Florida this week and find out, if that's not enough Austin, TX has the senior nationals this weekend. See http://www.aautaekwondo.org/ or http://www.usa-taekwondo.us/ respectively for full details. Between the two events there should over a 1000 adults representing all facets of taekwondo. Get your hands dirty, get some friends and just do it.

Good Luck

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