Senior Master
To answer the question - It depends. It depends on whether the person is training harder/longer just to get ahead faster. In this case, he could be described as impatient. The irony is sometimes getting caught up in this will actually slow his advancement. If he is training harder/longer with no thought of time or destination, just immersed in his dedicated pursuit of the journey, he could be described as a true martial artist.I think you've misunderstood PhotonGuy's pont. He didn't criticize people who train harder/longer as being impatient - he asked if someone who trains more would be considered impatient.
Now, it's entirely possible he could start out the first way, then a few years later, as a second degree black belt for example, come to realize the true nature of his art and end up in the second category. Hopefully, we evolve over the years. Some don't, some do. Those that do, discover an amazing new appreciation and understanding of the art that has nothing to do with power and speed. Yet, this understanding often leads to greater power and speed.
To quote a frequent poster, "Sit on a rock for three years" and ponder that.