Moral dilemma #2...what would you do?


Master of Arts
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
The ATM at my local bank is located in a small ante-room of the bank, through which you must pass if you're entering or leaving the bank. The other day I went to the ATM to deposit my paycheck. The bank itself was open at the time, and I was alone in this ante-room. I didn't see anyone go through this area before me or while I was there. I took my time filling out my deposit slip. As I was about to start my ATM transaction, a woman entered this area from outdoors. She said to me, "Are you depositing money?" I said, "Yes." She said, "You dropped something." I looked down, and there was a bill stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I started to stammer, "But it's not.....," but the woman had run past me into the bank.

Now, this ATM does not give out bills in that denomination. I had no desire to give a gift to the bank. I have no idea how the bill got stuck to my shoe. It could have come from someone entering or leaving the bank or in the parking lot. What would you do?
Well if there isn't any one around I don't see how you could figure out who it belongs to.
It is nothing of your fault so make good use of it I suppose.
Keep it.
I'd feel differently if you had any clue as to who dropped the money in the first place, but there doesn't seem any reasonable way to divine that.
If you found it at a time where you were in need of a little extra money, I'd say put it to use. (Of course, who couldn't use a little extra). If not, and it was realy posing a moral dilemma, you could give it to a charity.
Thanks, Raedyn. And what better "charity" than some of the support services out there who send to our troops?
Phoenix44 said:
Uh...that's kinda what I did...

And you didn't call the rest of us?? *tsk tsk* well there goes your xmas card.


I've found 10's and 20's in parking lots and not thought anything of it. Now, if somehow you had a check for 10million bucks stuck to your shoe, you might want to figure out who it belongs to.
but a cheque would likely be addressed to someone. and have a label that says who wrote it. *grin*
So right raedyn so maybe getting a breifcase stuck to the bottom of your shoe with 10 mill inside it works better. I'm sure you wouldn't notice that right?
I agree w/ Mr. Mike - charity, unless you really need it.

Regardless, it was cash on the ground with no feasible way of returning it to anyone.
well, unless the breifcase had initails on it or something, it's probably fair game. *wink*
Well I belive that there is a higher power and if you had a great need and BAM! you find money be thankful and enjoy
I guess the reason I felt weird about it is that I was in a bank, but, yeah, it was anonymous.
BTW, my favorite charity is Habitat for Humanity.

Maybe it was a "Pay it Forward" sort of thing and the lady that informed you was in on it. At any rate......I agree with the way of telling who dropped/lost it unless you stood there awhile looking for someone to come back and look for it. worries- enjoy the extra money!!

:asian: :karate: