Mom needs help is this guy Legit.

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Good lord,
I would have thought you have to be about 150 yrs. old before you can achieve all of those kind of ranks. Maybe more should be done into looking at his lineages of each art to make sure they are legit.:asian:
I have learned alot about shopping around before u sign a contract. Thanks to all u nice folks for the input. I also agree with Jason that maybe I should check the lineage and credentials out of the instructors before I decide. Thats important for me to know before hand but Im sure quite sure how to go about it since i have no prior knowlede of martial arts systems. I feedl it is important tho that they be in something that is authtentic. Thanks again for all the help.

Beth Parker
Authenticity is good of course! Some newly formed arts may be authentic without being ancient. Feel free to post here for advice; for Japanese arts, E-Budo is a very good source of info. as well.

Depending on their ages, keeping them active and interested may suffice. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Almost no one I know got their black belt in the first art they studied. Do they need self-defense, or an activity in general? If they're having fun in a safe and healthy environment that means a lot. Is it important that it be a traditional art, a practical art, an athletic art, or...?
I believe he is claiming 10th dan in his system because he claims to be the founder of the system, therefore he has promoted himself to the highest rank in the style. It's not uncommon with fly-by-night "Sokes" and "Grandmasters". He has a long list of Dans in other arts, all it takes is knowing someone in another organization to get a dan through them. I have a 2nd dan in Tang Soo Do that i trained for and earned, however I cross train at a Taekwondo school on occasion, and have a certificate from that school stating that I'm also a 2nd dan in Taekwondo, although I've never tested there once. (Granted it was given to me incase I wanted to fight USTU tournaments)
See what I mean??
He could very well be legit, although I doubt it. Regardless, as they say "It's better to be safe than sorry".
Either way, this guy pops up enough red flags that I would avoid him like a plague.

Hope you find a good school for your kids :)
What struck me most outrageous on his website, is that we was awarded an 'Honorary PH. D. from numerous martial arts instructors . . . '

It was my understanding that Doctorate of Philosophy would be given (even if honorary) by an educational institution, not from your colleagues.

I would suggest you discuss the contract. I have been studying at a 'contract school' for almost three years now. I have seen many students ask to be let out of their contracts, and the school does let them out. The one caveat is that it does take one month to process the paper work. During that time, the student is allowed to continue studying.

Good Luck to you .... Mike
A legitimate instructor should have no problems about people asking for verification of his claimed instructors.

Everyone here has offered excellent advice. I'm glad you decided to ask around before signing on the dotted line. I can think of few better places than here to ask what you've asked. Martial arts instruction is not an 'impulse buy'.

I hope you find something suitable for your children.

Kudos to you Beth for stepping outside the box, and researching something so well. Go watch classes, see who teaches the kids (several classes), it may not be all bad, but you have to determine that on your own. Contracts are not all bad, especially if he has been in business for a number of years. But make sure you have a contingency or "escape" clause for an out if your kids don't want to continue.

I know you may not have many schools around to chose from, but there is nothing wrong with shopping around. Visit as many as you have time for to compare and contrast. You may have excellent instructors who do not run the school, but were child therapist (me!!) and teaching wonderfully. You may have the manager or owner teaching, who can do ... but just is not a good teacher. Trust your instincts, go back more than once. Then go for it. Often churches, parks & rec departments of larger cities, or YMCA / Boys Clubs offer good Kiddo programs.

Just more to confuse you.

Good Luck,
Originally posted by Michael Billings
Often churches, parks & rec departments of larger cities, or YMCA / Boys Clubs offer good Kiddo programs.


At a local martial arts supply store you may find ads for people teaching out of their homes. I studied like that in high school, and at a community center in college.
School Name: Tracy's Kenpo Karate
Address: 828 Chestnut St.
Conway, AR 72032
Phone: 501-327-2311
Head Instructor / Rank: Herb Baker
Style: Tracy's Kenpo
Associations: Tracy's Karate


School Name: Lee's Karate Academy
Address: 54 CR 402
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Phone: 870-761-0861
Head Instructor / Rank: Logan Lee
Style: American Freestyle Kenpo Karate
Email Address: Mr. Lee
Associations: Lee's Karate Academy

here's a few more schools in AR that you may want to check out if you're nearby.
I and sevral people I know have been offered to be inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame. I have received at least 6 offers, last year I got two at one time. All I needed was to pay the fee.In my opinion, I would go elsewhere. If you are willing to tell us the city where you live, there may be someone who can suggest a good instructor. Also take your question to E-Budo and Budoseek. Both are fine websites.

A friend and I were talking about your post and we are happy to see that you are one smart momma! Your boys' interest and SAFETY are priority and you had gotten some good feed back from the others here.
My friend who is a MA mother of two boys taking Kenpo had this to offer. Find out if there are other children in the class of the same age(s) and ask the parents of those children how their kids like it and what values have the kids brought home. Likewise if any of the kids go to the same school(s) as your boys so that they may find a mutual friend.
From my own stand point is making sure the instructor stresses that what the boys learn is not for fun or use except in dire need, i.e. a serious bully attacking them or worse. Some kids may get too cocky with what new and cool forms they learn.
Good luck in finding a great school and hopefully they'll stick with it.
Beth. Try asking amongst your friends to find someone with some quality martial training that would be willing to help you investigate some schools. It will be important for someone with some knowledge to check out the curiculum to ensure the kids are getting safe usefull quality training. Go with your gut instinct on the instructor. Do you like them as a person and do you trust them?
In my area we had a questionable TKD instructor that turned out to be a rapist. Personally I knew something was wrong about him the moment I met him.
In regards to the website you inquired about: (I hope this is a legitimate thing to say here.) Probably that guy has no legitimate credentials at all. I would be surprised if he has any ranking in any art. From the website I get the impression of a small time streetfighter of questionable integrity and training.
Your mileage may vary, but calling the Better Business Bureau in your area may prove helpful as well, as they should have a record of any complaints filed against a potential instructor you may be looking at. Be careful to examine the info carefully, though, as some may just be disgruntled students or other people with an "axe to grind." If there are a large number of complaints, however, I for one would be wary.

Also, if the instructor claims membership in any particular organizations, don't hesitate to contact the organizations in question to verify it. It is surprising how many people with fraudulent credentials are caught this way -- evidently they figure you wouldn't think to do your research. If the instructor is not forthcoming with info on how to contact the organization, that should be a red flag as well.

My feeling is that there are too many questions regarding this person's legitimacy to send your children there. My advice would be to find another school.

He's the director of the very "Hall of Fame" that he's featured in?

Even if the guy's certifications were legitimate, which people here correctly question, would anybody want to study under a guy THAT VAIN?

Hey Mom, good call seeing the red flags. I'm gonna make this quick for you. Most of the emails responding to your call are too long and confusing.

I have run a large martial arts school for a number of years.

Most schools have numerous scam / scheme atmsopheres.

As far as the guy's claimed credentials - pretty much all crap.

Such credentials aren't even that important - many people with great "credentials" don't know anything.

You should base it on how the person seems to you. What does the person feel like? Honest? a Liar?

Contracts: Most successful schools use contracts - they are neede to manage the cash-flow. However- a one year startup contract is A SCAM!!! WHY WOULD YOU AGREE TO PAY FOR 1YR OF CLASSES BEFORE YOU EVEN HAVE A REAL OPINION OF THE PLACE. three or six months is fair to start with.

But you know what - you have already seen some big red flags.

Find out if there are testing fees. If so, WHAT ARE THEY? If you don't get an honest answer right away - LEAVE!

More important than any credentials is the overall character and ability to teach meaningful things on the part of the instructor.

any other questions, email me at
I know Marty Cale, and he aint no 10th degree in Kenpo or any thing else. At least he is probabaly a 5th Dan or less. I beleve that he calls himself a 10th Dan is because he founded the art, of White Tiger Kenpo. Wich brings me to another point. This guy wouldnt teach his students an art he pulled out of the air. Because he wouldnt know how eficient the art is. think about it. The highst rank in Tae Kwon Do is probabaley a 9th Dan. well Ive seen him before, and hes getting ready to pass away it looks like. That is onley in Tae Kwon Do. Now how can he hold a 10nth Dan in 2 arts, a 1st Dan in Tae Kwon Do, A cane Master, ect..., It is deffenatley not possible. Thats just probabley he classifeyed himself as."Key Word- Himself." hes obiousley insane, or mental. For giving himself these ranks. ITS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!
WildCater, would you like to take a moment to clarify the info on Marty Cale? What is his true rank/style? Have you trained with him? Etc, etc. Any input is appreciated if substantiated (how 'bout that? I sound like Johnny Cochran).
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