Pappa Geo: For efficiency, I would like to take what you said point by point.
What is this an east coast Vs west coast spitting contest again? Have you considered what it would cost for the Presas family and Datu Worden to fly out and stay in a hotel, rent a car, eat in restaurants? Loss of income for the week from their normal jobs? Any body offering to subsidize their costs?
East Coast Vs. West Coast spitting contest? I hope it won't turn into that; I don't think it has yet. I think a lot of people haven't considered the costs for them to come over. Instructors are usually paid for their efforts, but I have no idea how much $$ is involved for the symposium, and how much instructors are being offered. That is a valid point though; there are a lot of instructors at the symposium and there might not be enough doe to cover travel and costs for someone out west to come to New York.
It happends, though. Dan Anderson was in Michigan over the weekend, and I know that Tim travels the world to teach. MARRPIO has been on the East Coast before too, just unfortunatily not near enough to Michigan where I could see them. Somehow it is worth it to these instructors to make the trip, so I guess that it depends on the situation. That is why I asked "why" instead of just making an assumption.
Consider that they can come to Tacoma for a long weekend, share their knowledge, be treated like family with much respect, earn enough to pay expenses, have a great time and go home with a surplus$$ and much satisfaction.
That's one thing to consider. Could they arrange or have arranged a trip to New York and recieve the same? That is another thing to consider as well. I really do not know.
I personally know they have much knowledge to share and that they have a deep background in Tapi Tapi, maybe a different approach than you are used to but isn't that what we are after and hunger for is putting all the different pieces together?
Doesn't Datu Hartman have a different style from the MOTTS? How about Sr Master Dan Anderson? you know he is going to have a style of his own, I know Datu Worden has his uniqueness. Wouldn't that be true of all the leaders in Modern Arnis? Isn't that what made Modern Arnis so valuable was ability to work it in with your existing foundation? An Art within your Art?
Well said! I know that every instructor is unique, which is why I would like to see them all at least once. At least what cost and time allows, of course.
The Presas family are the heirs to the system, MARRPIO is the official recognized Modern Arnis organization by the Phillipino Government. The highest ranked Modern Arnis Sr Masters like Rodillo and Roland Dantes endorse the family as the heirs. Doesn't any of that mean anything to you people? Further they don't claim the Grandmaster title and the older generation will never claim it!
That doesn't mean they are trying to take over anybody else's system within the umbrella of Modern Arnis, quite the contrary, they just want to share and encourage growth of Modern Arnis!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I definatily agree that we should respect people for their titles, as I said before. I have talked to Demetrio and Remy Jr. myself. They were very nice to me over the phone, and carried themselves in a pleasent and respectful manner. I have even thought about bringing them to Michigan, but do to time constraints with my current job (and that I am not a career martial artist) it doesn't look like it will be feasable for a while, at least not with me as the host. I wouldn't be able to put the time and effort in necissary to promote them. I do have much respect for them, however. This is only based on my tiny interaction with them.
A side comment about the "respect" issue, though. People should be respected for what they have, and what they've earned. No doubt. But given the state of professor when he passed away, and the way rank/title was treated over the years, it is not fair to expect people to just ASSUME that someone is skillful at the art because they've earned this rank or that. No one, whether experienced or not can nor should do that. Under the circumstances of Modern Arnis today, everyone that is a leader (and who wants to remain a leader) will have to prove themselves eventually. They will have to prove themselves by their accomplishments, their behavior, and most importantly their skill. No one is exempt, not for rank, title, nationality, or last name.
I can say that at least to me when I talked to them, 2 of the Presas children have shown that they're leadership by their actions. I cannot attest to their skill, however, because I have yet to see them in action. It is as simple as that.
About the Tapi-tapi comment that I made: I don't know if that is the truth, as I have stated. That is a rumor that has been circulating around that I have heard on more then one occasion out of more then one organization. So please, don't kill the messenger; I don't like rumors either (at least false ones) but that is why I mentioned it. I was hoping that either a). someone could temporary clear the air by explaining the MARRPIO version of TAPI-TAPI and that b). I could experience their skill for myself someday.
They are very good people, very talented and more than willing to spread the art.
Please show respect for the family!
Well said. I can't speak for everyone else here, but I certianly don't mean to disrespect anyone. That includes MARRPIO and Datu Worden. I just call things as I see them. That is just for the record.