Organization : International Modern Arnis Federation
Head : Jeff Delaney, the IMAF Chairman and Grandmaster.
Location : Texas, USA
Email :
WebSite :
Founded : 2001*
Coverage : US, England, Germany (28 schools listed as of 2-34-02)
Events : 14 listed for 2002 as of this posting.
*the date of 2001 is meant as an indication of when the organization became led by Mr. Delaney. The earliest date I can find for an Arnis Organization by GM Presas is 1957. See this site for information. (
Head : Jeff Delaney, the IMAF Chairman and Grandmaster.
Location : Texas, USA
Email :
WebSite :
Founded : 2001*
Coverage : US, England, Germany (28 schools listed as of 2-34-02)
Events : 14 listed for 2002 as of this posting.
*the date of 2001 is meant as an indication of when the organization became led by Mr. Delaney. The earliest date I can find for an Arnis Organization by GM Presas is 1957. See this site for information. (