Modern Arnis Mania in FMA Digest

While doing some Google Splunkin, I found this nugget which might contradict Dr. Presas's comments on what a Datu is in regards to not just Filipino's, but Modern Arnis.

KSW. Thank you Roland for those kind words, I would like to discuss a politically intriguing subject as Professor Remy Presas listens in on our discussion. In many ways you are a direct link into the current state of the martial arts in the Philippines and worldwide. Professor Remy Presas has appointed his most senior instructors the title, Datu of Modern Arnis. These individuals he trusts to represent Modern Arnis with the responsibility of reaching out to spread the art of Modern Arnis to other schools and styles. Roland, could you clarify the meaning of this title or status?

R.D. Thank you for that question. I think there is a lot of people who have the wrong interpretation of the word Datu. First and foremost I was born in the south of the Philippines. I was born is Catabotto, which is on the island of Mindinao. The whole island of Mindinao is where you'll find the majority of Filipino Muslims, in the Muslim faith. A Datu can mean the leader of a tribe, a prince, a member of a family of higher class or status in the community. A Datu title doesn't imply it is an older person, no. Datu can be a young man or an old man. There is no age barrier when it comes to Datu. That title is given because an individual has achieved an accomplishment, has earned the respect. The title was given to them by a Muslim elder as a form of recognition for his accomplishments. Datu can mean all those things.


KSW. Here in America, there has been a small group of outspoken individuals that disagree with the usage of the title and imply that Professor Presas and those few he has appointed and promoted to Datu offend the mother country and status of Datu by using the title in association with the highest rank and level of Modern Arnis. Do you find it offensive that Professor Presas, who is here in the room with us right now, would use the title Datu to distinguish his most senior accomplished students?

R.D. No, not at all, that is why I called you Datu earlier in the interview Kelly, because I gave you that respect too. I admire what you have done in propagating the Filipino martial arts so I personally choose to call you Datu. That is a terminology out of respect for what you have accomplished. I would also like to point out, you and Professor's chosen few are not the only westerners to use the title Datu. I have a friend who married a Filipino Muslim. He is also American. The group of Muslim elders around the area he lived in gave him the Datu, because they loved him for what he had done for the people in their providence in Mindanao. He accepted their faith, by doing that as well they called him a Datu. Even if he did not accept their Muslim faith, they still would have called him Datu because of their admiration and respect for him. So as you see, the Professor giving you recognition for your commitment and achievement in Modern Arnis bestowed the rank and title of Datu to you. Professor has also shared with me in our conversations that you are without a doubt the most dynamic and knowledgeable martial artist he has promoted within Modern Arnis here in America.

Who am I to argue with Master Roland Dantes and Kelly Worden?
Thanks, but I didn't see any of the family listed there and their bios on the site don't list ranks.

True. Very true. It would be intersting to see if the paper some claim to have holds up to the families scrutiny, though I doubt those with questionable paper will risk it.
Sorry about that.

Dont know how promotions are handled within a family system.
It looks like 9th degree. He seems to be wearing a gold trim belt.

From the MARPIO site:
Lakan Antas 9 - Black with gold stripes - Lifetime Practice
Great observation!

10th from what I remember hearing will always be reserved from the late GM Remy A. Presas.
For more comments, check this **** out.

Datu Tim Hartman said:
So with all of the posts about the Presas edition of FMA Digest I decided to call Junior myself to hear what he had to say. We talked about some of the posts that have surfaced on the net, his mother’s statement as well as what his position is. I think that there is a problem with perception. I think that we must separate what Junior’s organization is doing versus what his father did.

When we ended the conversation I had mixed feeling of anger and disappointment! During our conversation I was shocked by a racist statement that came from Junior that since that I wasn’t Filipino that I would never amount to much as an FMA instructor! This isn’t the first time I’ve been exposed to this type of behavior, although I was appalled that it came from the son of my teacher and adopted father.

I shouldn’t be concerned with Junior’s perception of things. What matters most to me is what GM Remy thought. It is clear in my mind how Remy felt about me. When Joseph, his youngest son was born, Remy asked me to teach Joseph if anything happened to him. Further more, I was included in his will as one of the people he chose to continue his art. I think that it speaks volumes that his children were not part of his list.

jun balagtas said:
First thing:

Modern Arnis was created by the Presas family

Second thing:

The Presas family is still alive and has expressed themselves and no one on this stupid forum wants to listen to them.

I can already see that it's all over for the guys who don't follow the wishes of the Presas family. Your credibility is absolutely zero now that the family has expressed itself fully on the FMA Digest.

They're not happy and want to make changes and all you guys will have to figure out what to do after that.

Brock said:
I find that odd considering it contradicts a comment he made at the Senkotiros Sama-Sama this year. He said something to the effect of there were two types od Filipinos practicing the arts, those that were Filipino by birth and those that were by choice.

The Game said:
It was created by Remy A. Presas, over a lifetime, a good part of which his family in the PI unfortunately had little experience with.

Why should we? Where were they for all those years?
Much of those articles simply put read as "My husband left me and now I want mine" and "Our dad left us, we hardly saw him, only know what a few people told us, but now we want our cut".

Maybe it is they who lost credibility in the numerous wrong statements they made, and by mostly dismissing and disrespecting the non-PI Modern Arnis people. While they went to school and had no contact with GM Remy, these same people they just pissed all over were out hanging, banging, sweating and bleeding Arnis.

I think most people will continue to do what GM Remy said for them to do. Make the art their own, and promote it. Their additional pieces of the whole are welcome, but I see no reason to abandon solid instruction for yet another who lacks much of the later years of development of the art. The "only a Filipino can be a master" claim bothers me, as it always has. Then again, maybe only a black man can be a master of Caporeria, and only a Japanese man can really master karate. Bit bigotted to think that way isn't it?

The "Only Legit Arnis is from Us, Everyone else made fortunes, now give us our due" crap is just that. Crap.

Let them put out their own books, their own videos, and travel the world doing seminars, and live or die on their OWN merits. Not just the coattails of their late father's name. Let them as they claim GM Remy wanted them to do, make their OWN name.

I think the "we're entitled because we're Fillipino and we're Presas" attitude will close alot more doors to them than they will open.

Also the whole "Our mom is the only one who can grant high rank" stinks. That was my opinion in the whole "You have to go to Mrs. Parker for knighting" crap in Kenpo too. Co founder doesn't mean she has the techical knowledge, especially if she hadn't seen or spoken to Remy in decades.
I so love pm's saying "Bob, you have to comment."

Before I do, I need to clear up something. The Presas Family will most likely not be responding here. A month or 2 ago they or a representative of theirs registered here with the intent of posting notices concerning their website and forum, in violation of our posted advertising rules. They also refused to comply with our posted requirements of 1-account per person, and refused to provide a real name when asked. The exchanges were not pleasant, and their organization account was since banned. I have trouble giving respect to those who do not offer respect back. An unfortunate situation, as their input and presence would otherwise have been most welcome here. If they wish to re-register and comply with our policies, they are welcome to return.

I read the issue. I saw anger, resentment, passion, and hope.
I read comments on how others got rich on Remy's name and the family got squat. I'm sorry, but I've yet to meet a wealthy Modern Arnis instructor. My experiences with martial artists is, most are rather low on the wealth list.

I disagree with any statement that says one must be of X nationality to do X art.
One might as well say one needs to be short, skinny, limber and have a short fuse and hot temper to do FMA. Sounds racist huh? Well, so is any statement made that says only a native can do it well or teach it well. JMA, CMA, KMA, FMA, etc. Anyone with the right attributes and heart and dedication can learn and master the mechanics of any art.

I have taken issue with those claiming to be a Modern Arnis Grandmaster. My current view is, there is no one currently able to claim and hold that title today. Tomorrow it may be different.

"Modern Arnis is the Families birthright". Maybe. But they themselves have said they hardly saw Remy Sr. during much of his US time. That implies a lack of knowledge of where he was going with it. Where that was, we will never know. It died with him in 2001. A lot of people claim to know it, and a lot of them are full of crap, and they know who they are. The family, and those who were loyal to Remy are right to be angry at the leeches who came out of nowhere to try and make a fast buck.

"Modern Arnis Ranks not from the family aren't valid". They can recognize or not anyone they wish. That is their right. Others may return that favor to them.

"Everyone should come under the family now that they are here". I disagree. The family is Modern Arnis, but it may not be the same Modern Arnis that Remy was doing at the end. I see it as another piece of the whole, but not the whole it self.

The comments on the Datu title were wrong. I've had enough arguments about that one, and have done enough research and talked to enough Filipinos and long time Modern Arnis people to be certain of that. They do have the right to make it a rank-title for their organization, but I don't think it'll be seen as the same level as the 6 that Remy sr. issued.

I'm an eternal consumer. I shop/eat/train/whatever where I see value to myself. I will not train where I see no value, and I will train where I willing of course.

I don't see a grand Modern Arnis unification under the family banner happening. MARPPIO may become the big organization, it may become a foot note. In the end, it falls to quality and marketing. Dr. Presas and his family are going to have to do as was said: Travel, Teach, and Sell! They are going to have to demonstrate that they not only know Modern Arnis's past, but have the vision to take it into the future, to show that they can excite students, teach what they know, and grow an organization. They are going to have to in over long entrenched Modern Arnis players who have no idea who they are, even with the name, and prove themselves over and over again.

The name will only take them so far, and it is a good name, and they are good too. I've seen their videos, heard the feedback from those who went to their seminars, and read their bios. They are good, and getting better and they are damn smart people. But in the end, they are going to have to succeed or fail on their own merits, and build bridges and alliances. Not piss off and burn those who were out there doing, and who also have deep feelings towards the art and man that they themselves loved so dear.

In the end, I wish them all the best of luck.
Only the Gods know what the Future itself brings.

Discuss all you want, please send flames to
I was a bit taken aback by this article. Both as a member of Marpio (and NSI). I would not even be responding if it was'nt for the fact that I am listed as a Lakas rank on the Marpio site. I am really pissed off about this article!

Heres' my take: this is all old news, Remy Jr. has come a long way towards gaining acceptance over the past few years and in time, he would be able to stand and be counted along with everyone else. Therfore the legacy would survive intact! But now, a hand grenade has been thrown. Not by Remy, but by the interviewer who was in control of the flow and topic.

Yes, there are many deserving Datus and teachers that this article slaps in the face. My teacher, Datu Worden who always stood by the Professor, even through disagreements and was there in the end who stood by the family, was barely mentioned, even though he recieved an 8th degree by Ms. Presas herself. And, that it was at his house, Remy wanted to be moved from Vancouver too. (I helped clean the room at Datu's house, so I know this first hand). Dieter Knudel, who built Modern Arnis Germany on his own. Master Ken Smith & friends, who all of us has watched, time and time again get twisted, yanked, banged and bruised by the professor on his videos and others, for thier contributions were not listed. For these reasons, either out of ignorance, or whatever, the interviewer of this article could have taken the time to steer the conversation into a more positive light. All of this has been left out? Why? What was there to gain?

But it is done and done. What have we learned? the answer is absolutely nothing! Modern Arnis, unfortunately from the start, has been plaqued with a LACK OF CONTROL when it comes to organizational enforcement! Here again, someone, (well meaning or with alterior motives.--who knows) gets an article printed, in this case printed worldwide! Remy Senior placed many people that should never have been place and here it is, happening all over again!
It is evident to me that Remy stood by and let this happen! I find this absolutely unbelievable!

I really like Remy Jr. but he has to learn that he is in control and that strong statement like these have to stated by him and him alone. this article has done more to hurt him than help him. To me this is a very, very sad thing for me to say.

Chris Arena
(No fancy b.s. slogans)
Here's a thought.
Take the family, grab some PG's, Sr. Masters, some MOTT's and some Datus. Do a week long mega camp. 1 in the US, 1 in Europe and 1 in the PI. Show it all, the old, the new, etc. Put the egos, the anger, the politics, the organiational factions and the emotion away and just do some kick *** Modern Arnis. Focus on building bridges between everyone, and really honoring GM Remy with super Super-camp.

Wait. I think I said this before.
Before anyone blames FMADigest for what was put in print, don’t. I had a long conversation with the editor the other day. We discussed fact, fiction, misconceptions. The Presas family knew what they were saying and meant everything they said. The Presas family expects the Modern Arnis community to fall in line behind them. If the children had been part of their fathers art after moving to the States twenty plus years ago, things would be different. This was not the case. If you read the article, they tell you themselves that they had very little contact with their father. When they did visit their father in the hospice, he was near death. As I said in another thread, if Remy wanted his children to take over his art, he would have included that in his will.

Had the Presas family approached us (the Modern Arnis community) to help them, carry on in their father’s footsteps, I for one, would have welcomed them with open arms. But based on several face-to-face meetings with the family, I feel they are motivated not by love of their father, but out of spite and revenge. They feel that they were cheated out of their inheritance (which may be correct) and this is the only way to get what is coming to them.
Well, the switchboards certainly have been lit up recently. A couple of points.

1. Mrs. Presas' history might be totally correct. It's hard to say as I wasn't there. Having authored a number of books I know that the 'flavor' of the first two books in his name was certainly different than the book published in the US. From being around Remy personally I know he wasn't the 'sit around and type out a manuscript' type. The degree of involvement that she had in the formulation of Modern Arnis, especially in the naming of techniques and curriculum and the like - again, I wasn't there so I can't say. But we do get to point number two next.

2. A key point to consider is that Mrs. Presas had virtually nothing to do with the development of Modern Arnis once Remy fled the PI back in 1975. She was not there when he met Prof. Wally Jay, a truly important turning point in the development of MA. She wasn't there when he met George Dillman, either. She was in the PI all the time he was here. I spent a good number of hours with him (as did many others) and I never once hear one word about him being in communication with her when he was in the USA. According to a post made by Dieter Knutel, the last time RP was in the Philippines he didn't contact her then, either. He did contact his first cousin, Cristino Vasquez, and his second cousin, Rene Tongson to get them to organize IMAF Philippines to reunite Modern Arnis players in the homeland.

3. I find it hard to believe there is some genetic 'configuration' that would make someone from one the home country be better at that martial art than someone from a different country or genetic background. That Remy Jr. 'has the blood of the Grandmaster' within him matters not from any scientific data that I am aware of. Physical training is physical training - hard work and buckets of sweat dripping from a person over a long period of time is what makes the skill. Culturally it is a different matter. I don't, for a minute, believe that I would come close to understanding the Filipino culture better than a native from that area. But this is understanding the culture I am talking about.

4. Neither knowing the culture nor the laws of the land of the Philippines, I cannot comment on the marital status (divorced or not) of RP and RP but he does have a widowed wife and two children up in Victoria, BC whose existence cannot be denied. Remy Jr. and his brother and sisters do have a half brother and half sister.

5. As to valid recognition, I have Remy Presas' signature on every Modern Arnis certificate I possess. I (and a number of others) am a first generation student of his. I have trained personally with him, taken my lumps from him, gotten my smiles from him. I do not feel the need to recertify in a new unit of time in the art he personally trained me in.

6. Remy Presas okayed my curriculum as valid. I value my status as an independent. MA-80 is independent of one and all save for one person, me.

7. All in all, I wish that RP made things abundantly clear long before his death as to the whats, whys and wherefores of Modern Arnis in the first place. Then when he died there wouldn't be the ghost of Ed Parker looking down on us sadly shaking his head. All of us who Prof. Presas trained are family, in one way or another. Tim Hartman said it the best when he said that Modern Arnis is one big dysfunctional family. I think the leaders of the different groups share one essential thing in common - our passion for the art the founder taught us. That is one thing I keep in perspective whenever the political stuff rears its ugly head, we are all passionate about what we were taught and what we believe.

Dan Anderson
Here's a thought.
Take the family, grab some PG's, Sr. Masters, some MOTT's and some Datus. Do a week long mega camp. 1 in the US, 1 in Europe and 1 in the PI. Show it all, the old, the new, etc. Put the egos, the anger, the politics, the organiational factions and the emotion away and just do some kick *** Modern Arnis. Focus on building bridges between everyone, and really honoring GM Remy with super Super-camp.

Wait. I think I said this before.

I tried that a couple of years ago. Believe you me, I really tried. Didn't happen.

Dan Anderson
I tried that a couple of years ago. Believe you me, I really tried. Didn't happen.

Dan Anderson
A couple people did Dan. Some motivated by the passion, some by politics, etc, it always seems to go kaboom. Sad really.
The other sad part of this is the small number of closed minded and bitter people who are even now twisting words, filling in blanks and cackling with glee over the whole thing in little internet holes...maybe they should be the first ones to get behind the family and put their own futures where they think others should, y'know? Show up to a MARPPIO event, test for rank and accept what they get, and not make excuses about how it doesn't apply to them, they are independant, and that Remy signed off on them back when Ford was still President, and all that stuff. Naw, that'll never happen.

Not aimed at you Dan. You're clear on where you stand, and that's cool. You still have to live or die on your own merits, but you know that and haven't seemed afraid to go that route. I don't think I'll be hearing about you living in an old sofa box anytime soon. ;)

Same is true of alot of the "old timers". Course, I'm still waiting to see Bill Gates at an Arnis camp. Thats when you know who made all that mon-ay! :)
(Hint, it aint me. Buy a supporting membership, feed a starving geek. I need pizza, stat!)
(humor injection over)

and with that good people, I'm bowing out here. Arnis is a good system, in all its flavors, has a lot of good people, but the politics and ego and sense of entitlement that's mixed in with a few folks, sours the flavor for me. Good luck, I'll see some of you on the floors here n there so smile for the camera. ;)
A couple people did Dan. Some motivated by the passion, some by politics, etc, it always seems to go kaboom. Sad really.

Please quote me who and when. Nobody other than me contacted every major head of an organization, promised to fly them in to a camp for just the purpose of teaching their own flavor of Modern Arnis. As I said before, didn't happen.

Dan Anderson
Jerome did his thing, and you did yours. Those 2 I remember somewhat well. I think. Yours was the one in the cabins or woods down in WV or VA or there abouts right?
I vaguely recall 1-2 in the PI, and think I remember something in Europe, but my memory's a bit foggy on specifics. I might be mistaken on some of that too. *shrug*
I wasn't knocking ya. Just saying it sucked that it didn't happen.
The Presas family is asking for respect that they don't get.
But respect is a 2 way street if you don't give it, you don't get any.

And what I have found myself and what I know from others, they do not care about any other western Modern Arnis instructor except of Kelly Worden.

They say they only accept Modern Arnis ranks, that were tested under them.
And I agree with James Miller, that they give the appearance, to have 9th Dan. But who gave it to them?
I have my 6th Dan and Datu title signed by GM Remy and my 7th Dan is signed by Roberto Presas, Rodel Dagooc, Vic Sanchez, Jerry Dela Cruz, Roland Dantes, Christino Vasquez, Renen Tongson, Bambit Dulay, Prof. Sorteco and Salvador Demaisip.
Who signed their 9th Dan certificate?

And if it was nobody, than there should some reaction arise here at least compared to Dan's 8th Dan or Tim's 9th Dan, because then the 9t Dan is self given.
Or did it come from Rosemary Presas, who had what rank in Modern Arnis?

They state themselves, that the highest Modern Arnis ranks they know of are the 8th Dans of Rodel, Vic, Roland and Jerry.
That means, that they did not get any high rank.

Remy Jr. stated, that he was the first black belt under Remy.
But if I recall right, he must have started with Modern Arnis around 1969. Bebing and Rudy Lisondra got their black belt already at 11th of Novemer 1964. They were Remy's first Modern Arnis black belts and for sure 5 years earlier, than Remy Jr. STARTED with Modern Arnis.

This is what I mean, that the history is not correct.
A statement is made and we shall believe that this is the way it is.
No, this is the way MARPPIO sees it and the way MARPPIO handles it.
Datu equals 6t dan. Yes, within the new MARPPIO system, maybe true, but not with GM Remy Presas.
The Datu tilte was a tilte for achievement and leadership within Modern Arnis. Not connected to any rank. I know definitively 3 of the 6 Datus of GM Remy did not have 6th Dan when they got the title, with one I am not sure and it does not matter who had which rank when we got the Datu title from GM Remy.

Modern Arnis was founded by the Presas family.
To the best of my knowledge, Remy Presas founded Modern Arnis.
He travelled around the Philippines, learned different styles and fought his way to be a respected Balintawak fighter.
Quote Rosemary Preas article from the family Digest, page 6:
Everytime he learnes something, she would change it. In fact, everything he learned, she modified.
Well with what Arnis qualification?
There may be no doubt, that she was very helpful with the book and the organizing of Modern Arnis, but it was in the end Remy Presas himself, who was teaching and fighting, making a name for himself and for his Modern Arnis.
And in the US he proved clearly, that he could do quite well in Arnis without Rosemary changing everything he had ever learned.
There are some facts, we in the west can check and we find, that the MARPPIO viewpoint are not correct in many quite important regards.
Many facts we can not check, because nobody of us were there at that time. But knowing, that a lot of the other things that can be checked were not right it leaves a bad taste to all the statements, that cannot be checked.

Regarding the acceptance of ranks and respect:
One student of mine in France, with a 5 years experience of Doublete Rapilon and 2 Modern Arnis seminars with me wrote to Remy Jr. telling him, he likes Modern Arnis. Remy Jr. answer was: invite me. So he did. They made a 2 1/2 day seminar and the french guy got 1st Dan, Lakan Isa.
Next year, 2nd seminar, the guy gets 3rd Dan, Lakan Tatlo. The name of this former student of mine is Anthony Pousset and you can find him on th MARPPIO list of recognized black belts.
My student in France trains Modern Arnis since 11 or 12 year and holds 2nd Dan, Lakan Dalawa. And he is very good. But numerical he is below the person with now 4 Modern Arnis seminars.

Now Remy Jr. is asking for respect.....

When MARPPIO took over writing : "Meet the real heirs of Modern Arnis" I wrote him a long email asking many questions. I never got an answer.
I wrote it again a few months later and got a reply, that soon the questions will be answered, what never happened.

Why, if he is the inheritor of the system, did he change the names of the techniques, the name of the ranks, the color of the black belts, the titles of the black belts, the uniforms and in the end the techniques?
If he is the inheritor of the system, why is everything else different to the system all the others knew?
And I am a little familiar with the older Modern Arnis from the Philippines, and it is different to that too.

Respect must be earned and cannot be asked for. And this is all Remy Jr. Rosemary and MARPPIO are doing in the family issue of ther FMA Digest: Asking for respect and not working and communication, that this respect is given to him.

And drawing the racist card: only a Filipino can be a Arnis master is ridiculous.
Remy himself NEVER had any attributes like that.
And other Filipinos neither. When I am in the Philippines (from the 5th of July I will be there again for a month), I am treated with high respect by all the Masters, Senior Masters and Grandmasters like Christino Vasquez, Rene Tongson, Rodel Dagooc, Jerry Dela Cruz , Roland Dantes and others.
They call me Datu. In the Philippines! Not with a smile on theirtr faces but because they respect the decision, that GM Remy made. Because they respect GM Remy. And they respect work, dedication and loyalty. Things, that are very imortant in the martial arts and filipino martial arts.
And this is also, why these Masters and Grandmasters are respected.

And we, the students of GM Remy Presas, are all very loyal to him, GM Remy Presas sr.

We follow the wishes that he gave us. Each and every one in his own way. Remy Jr. is not in this picture. And the way he and MARPPIO acted and act now, they will never be with most of the Modern Arnis practitioners.

They may be successful in creating a new branch of MARPPIO Modern Arnis and I wish them good luck, but there is and will be no unification under the banner of MARPPIO or Remy Presas Jr.

We try in the Wordlwide Family of Modern Arnis, WFMA, to do that. Unify Modern Arnis in a system of brothers and sisters of a family. Nobody is above the other. We are students of Remy and we respect each other, because we come from the same source, even though the organizations and systems now go different ways.
By far not all Modern Arnis groups are in the WFMA, but this whole thing ONLY works, when one respects the other and does not try to interfere in the internal affairs of other groups.
And that nobody says: I am your boss now.

It works with us so far.
Remy Presas jr. and MARPPIO are not part of it.

One last thing: I was the editor for the 50 years of Modern Arnis magazine. A magazine, that honored GM Remy Presas, the founder of Modern Arnis to the 50 years anniversary of Modern Arnis.
I wrote to about 30 individuals, if they want to contribute to the magazine, to get as many facets of his personality and life as possible.
I also wrote to Rosemary, Demetrio, Mary Ann and Remy Jr. (as well as to Ernesto and Roberto with many others)

18 people did answered and an excellent magazine about 50 years of Modern Arnis was the result. Unfortunately without any contribution of MARPPIO and the family.
Remy Jr.'s was the only of the family and MARPPIO that answered. His brief answer was:

I wish I could help you your undertaking but, I am very busy with the workout I don't have time to contribute with your project.

OK, that means he had no wish to contribute to a project, that honors his father and the system, that he claims to be the heir in.

So much about respect.


Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
And now for something completely different, I went to see The Blue Man show last night. STUNNING! Okay, back to the discussion.


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