Modern Arnis Camp

Day 2 was fun. more info later, when I've had more than 5 min sleep.

Hi All,:asian:

First let me say thank you to the Host(s)
Janice and ok too Renegade also.:D

Guro Tom Macaluso - had good information based
from his own personal experience, He also was
able to demonstrate for the camp to learn.

Guro Jaye Spiro - Gave excellent self defense
classes in partiular to and from a womens
point of view, that can and should be used by
men also :) Lots of useful information and
concepts and techniques for everyone of all
skill levels

Guro Rick Manglinong - Gave some excellent
striking drills and was very nice and answered
everyone questions (to my knowledge) and was
even found working in the parking lot of the
hotel at 1:10 AM.

I would like to thank Guro Manglinong for his
time with me. It was very useful and informative.

Dr. Maung Gyi - I enjoyed everything Dr Gyi threw
are way. From the Dump Truck Strikes to the
healing Yoga on Sunday.

In Attendance was Senior Master Dan Anderson, who
was also kind enough to spend time with me and
others working on techniques. Dan Also had
available his electronic books. I previewed them
and found them very useful and intriguing, I
would have bought one, except for the photograpghic memory I have, made it obsolete.
Is it the obsolete memory I have that requires a
book with good explanation and pictures to help
explain. Either way a good production.

Also in Attendance was Panong Guro Dan Carr, who
had some very insightful techniques and
explanations of use of force and control of a
person. Very good information.

There were many others in attendance, and if I did
not get a chance to work with you, look me up at
the next event. Any Event.

And for all of you that have wished to 'Hit'
Kaith, aka Bob, I have to say he really can take
a beating and keep coming back for more. The
major problem I had was his 'cute' little Pit Bull by the name of 'Bunny'. :rofl: She was a lot harder to handle than he was.:eek:

Well, I had fun, and as far as I am concerned in
my little egocentric world of myself, that is
all that is important. :cool:

I hope to meet everyone else here on Martial Talk
at some event or other.

Yours Truely ( & Tired )

Rich Parsons

PS - Contact Kaith for Martial Talk T-shirts, if
anyone is interested.

PSS - Tim, I got through both Borders. Your call
into them must have come in late.;)

Have a nice day - I Did
Hey Rich. Glad ya made it home ok.

I wanna rematch! :D man, almost 3 hours of hangin n bangin, im battered, bruised and oh boy am I sore. Wish it didn't have to end. This camp was the most fun I've had in months. Everyone who missed it, ya missed a hellalota fun.

Tim and Janice worked their tails off, and it showed. This camp (my first) had the feel of a convention. By this, I mean there was a ton to do, the sessions were a load of fun, and the banquet was beautiful.

I didn't get out on the floor much as I was doing a ton of video work, but I gotta say this much, even from the sidelines, it was fun. I watched Guro Rick Manglinong go through his stickwork, and was lucky enough to catch up with him on Sunday to go over it. Man, it was a riot! Also had the pleasure of grabbing dinner with him and Rich on Friday, along with my better half (whose new nicname is the "Arnis Pitbull"), and Paul O'Grady.

Guro Jaye Spiro gave 2 very good sessions on street defence. I found her perspective to be very refreshing. I missed Guro Macalusos session, being tied up on some technical issues. Datu Hartman covered some serious knife work, as well as other cool topics. Best part was the short demo vs petkita (spelling). Was neat seeing about a dozen disarms in as many seconds.

Dr. Gyi. What can I say? His "Dump Truck" stick system was lethal. A very interesting seminar. I'm very glad I was not "Uki" for him...though I got a taste of the technique on Sunday while sparing. Really hurts to swallow. :D He did a very well recieved 2 hour Yoga session on Sunday. Dr. Gyi is a wonderful person. He spent over 30 minutes working out a sprain my GF got from training. You who had to leave early, or didn't make it, missed a lot. Dr. Gyi dedicated his sessions to GM Presas.

I got to meet a bunch of folks from here for the first time, and catch up with some other folks I haven't seen in months. Next years WMAA camp promises to be even better.

Congrats go out to PAUL, who won a MartialTalk Tee as the banquet. :)

I can't remember what the final count was, but that floor was packed all weekend. Over 40 people were in attendance. I'm sorry the weekend is over.

Its nap time for me...Y'all git yer butts there next year. :D

Thanks Janice and Tim!

(sorry if this wanders a bit...i'm more braindead than normal) :)
Kaith, Rich, good words form both of you.

Can not say it enough, a big 'Thank you' goes to Tim, and especially Janice.

I had fun wroking out with my bud Jaybacca, it has been awhile since we were able to just go to it.
Got to get develop a lot more personal ties to Big Guy, a friend before, a good buddy now! Thank you so much, both of you!!!

Guro Rick, Datu Tim and Dr. Gyi were all kind enough to help me in my journey in the martial arts by applying everything on me, and not just showing. I loved it all!:cool:
Dan Anderson has got to have the best abs ever. I can not believe the Atomic Sit up he does!!:D

Great training, great friends, good food & drink!
Looking forward to seeing more of you more often, and everyone who was there, plus many more who were not, next year.
...and that pretty much sums it all up!

It felt good to be at a camp with good quality training again. It also felt good to see everyone, and to hang out and have a good time.

Congrat's to all our new black belts!

Thanks to all the instructors who could pass us their knowledge.

Especially, thanks to Tim and Janice for being wonderful hosts!

Hope to see y'all again soon. ;)

Paul, we gotta get pics o you trainin in the MT tee shirt. The ladies will love it! :D

Was nice meeting ya, and everyone else from here. Was so much going on, it was great.

A definate thanks to Dan Anderson. He was on the floor constantly, learning and helping folks out. Dan's a hellanice guy, who ya can't help but like. (Or, in my case, tease, but he let me live so he's cool) :D

The kids class did a forms demo during the banquet, and I have to say, they looked sharp. Personally, I think they looked sharper than many adult black belts. (IMHO).

The Vendors section was cool. Dan Anderson had his e-books available, and they are very informative. Tim also debuted the first in a series on video products. This one was an interactive PC-CD featuring the first 8 Modern Arnis hand forms. SilverStar WebDesigns inc and MartialTalk were also represented. (Some shameless plugs there as SSWD and MT are mine. heh.)

I presented Dr. Gyi with a printed copy of our tribute to GM Presas. He was very apreciative of the fact that GM's memory continues. (Folks, please send in your memories and links. If you have already sent something in, but want to send more, please do. The art will continue, but I would like the memory of who Remy Presas was to also continue)

We shot hours and hours of footage, and took a ton of pics. I'm gonna be updating the camp website shortly to show the memories. (Need a day or 3 to recover), and next years camp is already being planned.

See ya'll next year!


edited to fix a typo. :)
Ladies and Germs -
Gotta tell ya. This camp was fun. Met a number of people I have been swapping communications with. Didn't sleep much thru the weekend. Swung sticks with many. Got a divot in my forehead by one. Tim, being the gracious host kept offering me whiteout.

Classes were great! From Rick we got a taste of Ernesto Presas' double cane work. Tom went over JKD/Kali techniques. Jaye's presentation of her self defense program was very clear cut and infomative. Dr. Gyi...whoa! This is the first time I have met the man and wow. He is the real thing. Anybody who has met him knows what I am talking about and those who haven't, just go to a seminar of his because my words won't do it justice.

Coming out here had to be one of the best decisions I've made this year and you know what? I'll be back next year.
Dan Anderson
A martial arts camp with no egos showing. Isn't that an oxi-moron or something? Well, that was the WMAA camp of 02.
Before I ramble on I would like to thank Datu Hartman and Janice for doing such a great job. They happily took care of everyone's needs as well as teaching and training themselves. Great job guys.
With 5 instructors teaching different sessions the pace was non stop, but flowed nicely. Everyone at camp was friendly and helpful. Even the headlined instructors joined in while the other instructors taught and trained along with the rest of us. There were no clicks or little groups staying to themselves, just everybody mixing and training together. Well, there was one group that thought they were something special but nobody wanted to join them anyway.( That would be the I WAS CHOKED OUT BY DR. GYI GROUP ). Yes, I was part of that group which shared an experience you don't soon forget. Dr Gyi is a true Master with much to share.
As for the other instructors, I just can't say enough about them. Just great talented people, but also just one of the guys. Thanks Jaye, Rick and Tom.
I'm already looking foreword to next year's camp.

:cool: :cheers:
If the first WMAA Camp is any indication of the future of Modern Arnis, then there are many good things on the horizon for us.
Those who attended, including the instructors were from all over the US and Canada. They were also from different groups not affiliated with the WMAA. The Professor would have been proud. There is no doubt that his spirit was with us.

I caught up with some old friends and made many new ones. I learned a lot and had fun doing it, even when Jenny the little Tasmanian Devil kicked my *** in Jaye Spiro's street defense class. Thanks Jen

But Dan Anderson better watch out because after stretching him out in Dr. Gyi's yoga session, I know all his weak spots, and there are lots of them. Hi Dan !!

And last but not least, thanks to Tim and Janice for setting a high standard for others to follow. You have brought the Modern Arnis family closer together. :asian:
We all forgot to mention that Tim taught a great knife fighting class. Shame on us to dis him like that when he and Janice put on a good camp. One other thing I wanted to mention about the camp was that from class to class, the feel of the group was very positive. There was a number of people there who weren't WMAA members - especially the instructors. Fascinating seeng that it was a WMAA sponsored event. It had a pretty good cross section of members and non-members for a first event and I think the word that will spread about it will ensure good attendance for it next year.

Dan Anderson

PS - Happy Birthday to you :o
Happy Birthday to you:rofl:
Happy Birthday Tim Hartman:flame:
Happy Birthday to yoooouuuuuuuu:cheers:
a huge thanks to my brother tim and janice for putting on a great camp and for thier kindness they have always shown me,i can't put into words how much your friendship has meant to rick,dan,jaye,tom and Dr.Gyi of course thank you for the laughs training and all around great time. it was good to see my friends from toronto and big guy(my other bro) from albany area and the detroit clan ,i wish we could all hang out more. congradulations to all who tested and to breyson for breaking my stick haha .iam looking forward to next years camp for sure and hopefully everyone who atteneded this one will come back. once again tim a job well done and i'll talk to you soon.
ps happy birthday you ol fart,now your in the seniors division hehe hmmmm a senior with a big stick that can't be good?:D :D :eek:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
And for all of you that have wished to 'Hit'
Kaith, aka Bob, I have to say he really can take
a beating and keep coming back for more. The
major problem I had was his 'cute' little Pit Bull by the name of 'Bunny'. :rofl: She was a lot harder to handle than he was.:eek:

"Pitbull", eh?:rolleyes: Does this mean I shuold change my sig?:confused:

<cough> Rich, you owe me a backrub:D

Now, if Kaith would just put even HALF the whistles and bells on this forum to his other one, maybe itd look spiffier...<cough> and all you people should go post there too: p

Kaith's Other Half, the JadeDragon...AKA Bunny...AKA Miyu...AKA..., well, you get the idea....

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